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It’s something I’ve thought about a lot. During Order 66, we saw clones take out some of the strongest Jedi with ease—Plo Koon was shot down mid-flight, Ki-Adi-Mundi barely stood a chance against his own troops, and Aayla Secura didn’t even get to ignite her lightsaber before being overwhelmed. Yet when Yoda and Obi-Wan stormed …

Read More about Did the Clones in Episode 3 Stand Any Chance When Yoda and Obi-Wan Infiltrated the Temple?

Star Wars is packed with surprises—there’s the Force, countless alien species, and, of course, the iconic lightsabers. But imagine Star Wars without its droids—it just wouldn’t feel complete. I’ve always loved how much personality these mechanical characters bring to the galaxy, especially the astromechs. We usually think of C-3PO and R2-D2, but another standout is …

Read More about Which Astromech Was More Lethal? R2-D2 or Chopper?

I know every Star Wars fan has done this at least once—scrolling through YouTube or social media to watch incredible lightsaber duels brought to life by fans around the world. I do it all the time, and I love seeing the creativity and skill that goes into these fights. Some of the edits are insanely …

Read More about Is General Grievous’s Fighting Style Realistic?

When Lando betrayed Han in Empire Strikes Back, he handed him over to Vader. Vader waited for him in the dining room on Cloud City. We may wonder what Vader was doing or thinking before they arrived. He most likely exchanged some words with Boba Fett about his plans to capture Luke.  The Deal and …

Read More about What Was Vader Doing/Thinking in This Scene Before Solo Arrived?

We could have seen Endor destroyed in Return of the Jedi. If a deleted scene had been kept, the Ewok forest moon would have been gone, with all those on it. What would that mean for the third original movie? We have several possibilities, with one being quite dire.  The Deleted Scene DELETED Scene From …

Read More about DELETED Scene From Return of The Jedi! Death Star DESTROYS Endor?

After his fight with Obi-Wan, Anakin underwent surgery that transformed him into the suited Vader we know. But did Vader have to look this way? Why didn’t he get reconstructive surgery? The answer mainly comes down to Palpatine.  Why Didn’t Vader Get Reconstructive Surgery? Two main reasons explain why Vader did not get reconstructive surgery, …

Read More about Why Didn’t Vader Just Get Reconstructive Surgery?

We can usually find hidden details when we rewatch a Star Wars movie. In Return of the Jedi, the Emperor visits Vader to check on the construction progress for the Death Star II. We watch Palpatine’s shuttle arrive and his royal guards disembark from afar. Then, we get a close-up view of Vader kneeling and …

Read More about I Was Watching Episode VI Again When I Noticed This. Who Is That Person Behind the Emperor?

People always talk about Vader wiping out the Jedi, but why does no one bring up what he did to the clones? The Jedi were labeled as traitors, but the clones? They were still loyal. And yet, Vader had no problem cutting them down like they were nothing. So what made him turn on the …

Read More about How Darth Vader Annihilating Clones Is Worse Than Slaughtering Jedi