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Why The Phantom Menace Deserves More Love (and Less Hate)

Why The Phantom Menace Deserves More Love (and Less Hate)

The Phantom Menace has garnered its share of criticism. After this film’s debut in 1999, many viewers protested against characters like Jar Jar Binks and the heavy reliance on CGI. Yet, these long-standing critiques miss the many valuable contributions this first prequel movie made.

Here are 10 reasons why we should see The Phantom Menace as a great movie and overcome the hate directed at it.  

10. It Spoke to a Younger Audience

George Lucas Responding To Prequel Haters

Just as the original trilogy aims to capture a younger audience, The Phantom Menace does that too. Many children in the late 1990s were introduced to the franchise for the first time paralleling A New Hope in the late 1970s. 

George Lucas has commented on how he targeted a younger audience with this first prequel. He wanted to ensure the Star Wars legacy continued and thus used characters and action scenes that would appeal to this generation. 

Amidst the criticism in this discussion, fans also recognize this intention and how it provided a gateway into the galaxy. We have more Star Wars fans today because of The Phantom Menace

9. The Music of John Williams

As the musical backbone of Star Wars, John Williams’s score is an incredible aspect of this movie. Williams’ music provides an epic quality that links the film to the rest of the Star Wars saga. 

The Duel of the Fates particularly enhances The Phantom Menace, punctuating lightsaber battles with emotional intensity. The Duel of the Fates is truly “a masterpiece” that stands not only as a great score for Star Wars but for the canon of music overall.” We can thank the first prequel for this contribution to the universe. 

8. Lucas’s Vision

The above article also comments on how George Lucas’s vision was at the heart of the film. As director and writer of Phantom Menace, Lucas and his vision were “in full force.” He did not have to run through studio approval but had free reign to offer his vision. 

While we may disagree with some of the direction of that vision, we can recognize the merits of a film by the original creator of the saga. As this article conveys, this movie “pushed at the boundaries of both visual effects technology and fans’ expectations for Star Wars.” We can largely thank Lucas for a push in new directions. 

7. An Early Obi-Wan

The Phantom Menace succeeds by offering us Obi-Wan’s character formation. Instead of just the wise Jedi from the original trilogy, we get to see Obi-Wan as a young Jedi and rather impetuous Jedi. We witness his growth and relationship with his mentor, Qui-Gon Jinn.

Ewan McGregor’s performance has much to do with this accomplishment. As fans attest here, no other actor “could’ve done a better job.” McGregor is convincing as Obi-Wan, overcomes challenging dialogue, and reflects perhaps “the best casting in the prequels.” 

In this interview from almost a year ago, McGregor commented on how “happy” he was to be this character, despite the criticism of Phantom Menace and the other two prequels. We should be too because he added depth to this central character and helped anchor this film.

6. Master Qui-Gon

Similarly, the first prequel gives us insight into Obi-Wan and Anakin’s mentor, Qui-Gon. We see Qui-Gon as a calm, authoritative voice amidst the building chaos and rambunctiousness of Anakin and Obi-Wan.

As this article explores, Qui-Gon only appeared in the first prequel (except for Force Ghost appearances), “but few characters have had such a profound influence on the direction of the story.” He is a “definitive Jedi” who goes a long way toward making The Phantom Menace a great movie.

Here too, the acting is central, with Liam Neeson providing a stellar performance. We can recognize five of his best moments here, captivating audiences in scenes like dinner with the Skywalkers to his two duels with Darth Maul.

5. Palpatine’s Dark Plans Emerge

Without The Phantom Menace, we would not have the crucial groundwork for the overarching narrative of the Star Wars saga. In this film, we witness the beginnings of Palpatine’s political manipulation and his pathway to power. 

We get a solid glimpse of his political machinations and the dark undertones of the narrative. Palpatine slyly guides his way into the role of Chancellor, setting the stage for his eventual rise to Emperor. 

Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace. Palpatine's Manipulations. 4K ULTRA HD.

4. Anakin’s Initial Fall to the Dark Side

Coinciding with Palpatine’s rise, we also get glimpses of Anakin’s fall to the dark side. We see Anakin emerge from being a slave boy with extraordinary potential but also hints of his future transformation into Darth Vader.

As this article explains, we see Anakin’s compassion for other slaves and Qui-Gon, but underneath that “loving heart is fear” that will prove to be his undoing. Part of that initial turn is how a premier Sith takes away “the only father figure Anakin had in his life.”

3. Darth Maul as a Premier Villain

Darth Maul is one of the most creative and terrifying villains in Star Wars. With his red and black face, horns, and double-bladed lightsaber, Maul is a force to be reckoned with.

Despite limited screen time in Phantom Menace, Maul’s menacing presence is felt throughout the movie, and this character has become a fan favorite. Because of his reappearance in The Clone Wars and Rebels, Maul has sparked debate over whether he should have his own series.

This article provides five solid points as to why Maul should have his own show, including “his survival after being seemingly defeated by Obi-Wan Kenobi” in the first prequel. Maul is truly one of the most memorable villains because of The Phantom Menace

2. Podracing Excitement

The Podracing in the first film provides another reason to see The Phantom Menace in a positive light. Audiences see a young Anakin take the challenge of racing amidst the stark desert plateaus of Tatooine. The high-speed race is nothing but thrilling, with fans here attesting to how the pod racing scene provides “some of the best sound engineering/design of any Star Wars media.”

As we can see the podracing excitement reflects the impressive use of special effects and sound design. Those behind-the-scenes elements bring out the danger of the race and make it one of the most exciting parts of the film. We also witness Anakin’s skill as a podracer and gain insights into his Jedi abilities to come. 

Pod Race Scene Part 1-2 1080p HD

1. The Duel and Death of Qui-Gon

The final duel in Phantom Menace is so captivating that it is the number one reason why this film is a great movie. It initially depicts Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan facing off with Darth Maul. Maul is menacing in appearance as the two Jedi flip in the air to confront him. 

After Obi-Wan is temporarily dispatched by Maul, the duel progresses into Maul versus Qui-Gon. We can relive the action in this scene, which is at the heart of what Star Wars does best.

Then, audiences see the unexpected–the death of the main Jedi Master Qui-Gon. It happens after Qui-Gon seems to be winning the fight, boldly pushing back Maul. This plot twist is a bold move and helps convey how we should better appreciate the first movie.