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10 Things That Should Be More Advanced Than They Are in Star Wars

10 Things That Should Be More Advanced Than They Are in Star Wars

Star Wars is known for technology that goes beyond our human abilities. Tractor beams, hyperspace drives, the Death Star, and lightsabers are among the innovations that surpass our own. Yet, not everything is more advanced.

Here are 10 things that should be more advanced than they are in Star Wars. 

10. The Millennium Falcon

The Star Wars Saga: Millennium Falcon ULTRA Supercut

Although this ship is legendary and has technology like a hyperdrive, the Millennium Falcon could also be more advanced.

This article from emphasizes the Falcon’s futuristic features, such as lightspeed travel, Holochess, and deflector shields.

However, it also concludes by pointing out this ship’s “Hodgepodge Design”, or “ever-evolving amalgamation of assorted, stolen, customized and found parts.”

We know this thrown-together design helps give the “fastest hunk of junk” its uniqueness but it also gives the Falcon a dated quality. 

9. Droid Abilities

Fans have indicated how droids in Star Wars could be more advanced. One post here specifies how droids should be “using wireless telecommunication techniques” to communicate with one another instead of “verbal communication.”

Similarly, “R2 should be able to speak human/alien languages,” while C-3PO “should be able to interface with computers and ships just like r2.”

These are valid points and make us wonder why these droids do not have these capabilities. The primary reason seems to be that it provides them with more personality and interaction with one another. 

8. Star Wars Weapons

The above Reddit discussion board also brings up how weapons that are manually targeted make it seem like it’s 1942. We may agree that CIS warships and their weapon systems seem archaic. 

Which of the Core Ships of the Separatist Fleet was Designed the Best?

The same could be said for Stormtrooper blasters. As this article indicates, the BlasTech E-11 Blaster Rifle is “terribly inaccurate” and our “terrestrial firearms” are much better.

We do see Stormtroopers missing a tremendous amount of their shots–it’s either the technology or their training. 

7. Stormtrooper Armor

The above article also points out how Stormtrooper body armor is woefully inadequate and “purely decorative.”

This armor does not seem to prevent any blaster fire and is less protective than what police officers on Earth use. 

By the time of shows like Obi-Wan Kenobi, Stormtroopers seem to fare a little better. Yet, we can still see them get knocked down rather easily in this scene.

We would think that armor would be more protective, even for the masses of stormtroopers.

Stormtroopers battle clip - Obi-Wan EP05

6. Holograms

Holograms are used frequently in Star Wars, including the projection of Princess Leia from A New Hope. Yet, the “type and quality of the holographic image projected varied widely.”

We may think that this technology could be more uniform and reliable.

As this article explains, holograms function “like 3D video calls” to provide “two-way communication.” That does not sound far away from Smartphones today.

Fans here comment on the “grainy” images in Star Wars’ holograms. Then again, these messages are sent across the galaxy, so we might keep that in mind. 

5. Comlinks

Comlinks appear on this list as one of the coolest gadgets in Star Wars. They are important for communication–we may think of Luke telling 3PO to shut down the trash compactors in the detention level.

Yet, since they are so “easily comparable to real-world walkie-talkies”, these communication devices also seem mundane. 

4. TIE Interceptor

The TIE Interceptor may have good weaponry but could be more advanced in terms of speed. Its atmospheric speed is 1,250 kilometers per hour.

This may sound fast, but this ship is slow compared with “the fastest RL aircraft – the X-15 – has moved at 7,274 km/h.” If Earthcraft can surpass the TIE, then perhaps it’s time for an upgrade to its engines. 

Yet, the TIE Interceptor is an upgrade. This ship was meant to provide “the Empire with a faster fighter than the original TIE model” but still could be enhanced from a larger galactic perspective. 

3. Jedi Apparel

What the Jedi wear could also use a refresh. Both the old and new Jedi orders wore basically the same outfit.

We would think that a wardrobe enhancement would be suitable, given the roughly 1,000-year difference and what Jedi have to confront.

Although this apparel reflects the Jedi way of life, it would help him have better protection against blasters and lightsabers. Qui-Gon Jinn may have survived if he had worn an updated Jedi suit. 

2. LandSpeeders

When a New Hope was released, Luke’s landspeeder seemed advanced. Yet, after the series proceeded, landspeeders seemed to lose their luster because they are an item we could have on Earth.

Landspeeders are one of the items discussed here that resembles a hovercraft in our world.

Luke’s landspeeder seems more like a “hovercraft/car that can comfortably fit a family of four” instead of an advanced space-age vehicle. 

1. Battle Droids

The battle droids from the prequel movies may have been designed for combat, but they seem like they were more designed to fail. We may even call them quite dumb as soldiers.

As this video captures, even after software upgrades, “the vast majority became even dumber than the original models.” 

Other sources concur, such as this article which specifies how battle droids do not coincide well with other elements of technology and the Star Wars universe. 

5 "Defective" Battle Droids [Clone Wars]