Table of Contents
- 1. I asked the guy what the R.C.M.M initials on his arm were. He said “Royal Canadian Mounted Mandalorians”
- 2. My Kanan Jarrus cosplay
- 3. My Anakin ROTS cosplay
- 4. My Din Djarin cosplay
- 5. My Frog Lady Cosplay
- 6. Luke Skywalker, my favorite character and cosplay 🙂
- 7. Finally put together my Twi’lek Dancer cosplay! Cant wait to wear it to a con one day!
- 8. My dads Captain Rex cosplay from a few years back
- 9. Asajj Ventress cosplay
- 10. My Mandalorian cosplay has a helmet at last! 😀 now gotta acquire green baby at all costs
- 11. My Ahsoka Cosplay! I’m so excited to see her in live-action!
- 12. Leia & Han Cosplay (The Force Awakens)
- 13. Wanted to share my Costest of my Fallen Bastila Shan Cosplay!
- 14. Finished sewing the tunic for my Jedi cosplay last weekend
- 15. I completed my Obi-Wan Kenobi Clone Wars cosplay and I love it!
- 16. After 5 months of work, I’m finally done with my Boba Fett cosplay!
- 17. Brilliant cosplay. “Order 66”
- 18. Cosplay Heavy Shock Trooper of the 501st
- 19. General Grievous cosplay (there’s a person hidden in the cape)
- 20. My rogue one Darth Vader cosplay
1. I asked the guy what the R.C.M.M initials on his arm were. He said “Royal Canadian Mounted Mandalorians”
Credit: u/GonnaGoFat
2. My Kanan Jarrus cosplay
“This cosplay has been really satisfying to make and certainly has required the patience of a Jedi.
The last piece of the puzzle to complete are the boots. Their design will diverge a bit from the animated version to make them more practical to wear, but I’m aiming to still capture the overall look!”
Credit: u/the_itty_bitty_kitty
3. My Anakin ROTS cosplay
“I’ve been cosplaying Anakin since 2016, but recently brought it back out again in light of ROTS returning to theaters next month! I’ll be going in costume. Let me know if you want to see a video of the saber in action!”
Credit: u/kylelusignan
4. My Din Djarin cosplay
Credit: u/another_derek
5. My Frog Lady Cosplay
Credit: u/princess_squib
6. Luke Skywalker, my favorite character and cosplay 🙂
Credit: u/lovinglyme91
7. Finally put together my Twi’lek Dancer cosplay! Cant wait to wear it to a con one day!
Credit: u/angel_of_azarath
8. My dads Captain Rex cosplay from a few years back
Credit: u/mirholley
9. Asajj Ventress cosplay
Credit: u/KyloRenClub
10. My Mandalorian cosplay has a helmet at last! 😀 now gotta acquire green baby at all costs
Credit: u/star_nacho
11. My Ahsoka Cosplay! I’m so excited to see her in live-action!
Credit: u/Daisy_Cosplay
12. Leia & Han Cosplay (The Force Awakens)
Credit: u/elee0228
Credit: u/TheNeonConduit
14. Finished sewing the tunic for my Jedi cosplay last weekend
Credit: u/Titand120
15. I completed my Obi-Wan Kenobi Clone Wars cosplay and I love it!
Credit: u/EmceeMonte_CosplayDJ
16. After 5 months of work, I’m finally done with my Boba Fett cosplay!
Credit: u/Mads_five
17. Brilliant cosplay. “Order 66”
Credit: u/Ksrugi
18. Cosplay Heavy Shock Trooper of the 501st
Credit: Reddit
Credit: u/etymologynerd
20. My rogue one Darth Vader cosplay
Credit: u/rt1026