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After the Whills Showed Yoda the Future, Did He Know Anakin Would Turn?

After the Whills Showed Yoda the Future, Did He Know Anakin Would Turn?

In Season 6 of The Clone Wars, Yoda confronts a crossroads. In Episode 12, he encounters Five Priestesses who reveal the future. After this event, Yoda must have known that Anakin would turn to the dark side. Or, did he? Read on to find out whether Yoda knew about Anakin and the future. 

Destiny, The Five Priestesses, and the Whills

In the Episode “Destiny, Yoda voyages to a midi-chlorian world where he is tasked with several trials by the Five Priestesses, secretive Force-wielders who may hold knowledge about immortality. These Force Priestesses bridge the Living and Cosmic Forces and shapeshift into five emotions. They are thus also connected to the Whills, or “will of the Force,” and are referenced by that name as well. 

Yoda’s interactions with the Whills or Five Priestesses result in him engaging with his own fears and dark side. In these scenes, we see the Priestesses challenging Yoda and how he has visions that apparently show him the future. It appears that Yoda has gained insight into “absolute darkness,” how to live on after death, and how the Sith will “sacrifice the Jedi of your time.

Likewise, it seems that Yoda gained insight into the fall of Anakin to the dark side. We could say then that Yoda knew Anakin would turn but carried forward anyway. Yet, these visions are also “elusive truths” that may not provide a direct future. 

Force Priestesses/Whills Scenes (Clone Wars, Rebels)

Did Yoda Know Anakin Would Turn to the Dark Side?

We could argue that Yoda saw Anakin’s future and decided to ignore it or live through the coming events and see if it could be altered. More likely, though, is another conclusion. 

Yoda did not fully know that Anakin would turn to the dark side. He got visions of what may happen in the future, a brief look at the many paths that could open up. Comparably, we could say that Yoda peaked at quantum possibilities, an overlapping superposition of realities that were not definite. 

In quantum physics, the superposition of a particle, like an electron, is a mathematical description of the “probability of an electron moving at a specific speed or residing in a certain location.” As the electron is in superposition, it has multiple locations and velocities, not one determined one. 

Yoda had a similar experience because his visions existed all at once with different probabilities of one occurring, but not yet determined. Even if he saw Anakin turn to the dark side, it was not definite this transformation would happen. 

As this article encapsulates, Yoda sensed Anakin’s fear “immediately” upon meeting him. Yoda picked up on how fear could compel Anakin to the dark side. As fans know, “fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate,” and that hate can push any Jedi to the dark side, especially one with Anakin’s background.

Yoda likewise became more aware of Anakin’s risks before his encounter with the Whills. However, this “sense” and becoming more aware do not equate with exact knowledge. 

In addition, Yoda knew that Palpatine would try to turn Anakin to the Sith, as recounted here. Yet, Yoda was not about to abandon hope of saving him because the odds started to go in the wrong direction. 

Why Yoda Knew Sidious Would Try to Turn Anakin to the Dark Side - Star Wars Explained

Why Else Would Yoda Not Have Fully Known About Anakin?

We should also keep in mind that the Jedi council was clouded over by the workings of the dark side. This discussion board reminds us of that very point, along with Yoda’s comments, “Always in motion the future is.” Not only was the future not determined, but the Jedi were not thinking clearly, as evident by Palpatine’s ability to carry out Order 66.

This older Reddit discussion adds another layer to Yoda’s uncertainty by specifying how Yoda struggled to counsel Anakin in Revenge of the Sith. After Anakin revealed his dreams to Yoda, the latter struggled to advise him because “he thought that Anakin was becoming more in tune…the Force” and Yoda did not see the dreams as “premonitions.” 

Yoda was wise and attuned to the Force, but he could not positively know what would happen to Anakin.

Yoda and the Five Priestesses

Although Yoda acquired insights into the future from his encounter with the Five Priestesses, he did not know Anakin would definitely turn to the dark side. He had strong indications that this transformation could occur, but many futures lay ahead and much confusion disrupted his thinking.