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Are There Actual Guns in Star Wars?

Are There Actual Guns in Star Wars?

We’ve all marveled at the blasters and lightsabers in Star Wars, but have you ever stopped to wonder if the galaxy has anything closer to our world’s traditional weapons?

Well, here’s the fun part—there are actual firearms in the galaxy!

Join me as we explore Star Wars’ arsenal and uncover some unexpected details that might just change how you see a galaxy far, far away.


Star Wars Lore – Weapons Episode XVI – Slugthrowers (Legends)

Slugthrowers are essentially what we’d call “guns” in the real world. 

Unlike blasters, which fire plasma bolts, slugthrowers shoot physical projectiles, or “slugs,” propelled by explosive force. 

These weapons are often viewed as outdated compared to their energy-based counterparts but still hold their place in specific contexts across the galaxy.

One of the most iconic slugthrowers in Star Wars is the cycler rifle, wielded by the Tusken Raiders. 

These weapons are designed for long-range combat and feature a primitive yet deadly design. 

Often used to hunt pod racers or take out intruders on Tatooine, the cycler rifle demonstrates that simplicity can still pack a punch.

Interestingly, slugthrowers are also surprisingly effective against lightsaber-wielders. When a high-speed slug collides with a plasma blade, it melts instead of being deflected like a typical blaster bolt. 

This creates molten fragments or shrapnel that can scatter towards the wielder’s face or hands, potentially causing serious harm.

In the right hands, these “outdated” weapons remain a formidable threat, even in a galaxy dominated by advanced energy weapons.

Din Djarin’s Rifle Looks More Like a Gun Than a Blaster

Mandalorian evaporates Jawas with his blaster-disruptor rifle

Din Djarin’s Amban Phase-Pulse Rifle might be a blaster by definition, but it sure doesn’t look like one. 

With its long barrel, brown stock, and fork-shaped resonator, this weapon has the rugged charm of an old-school sniper rifle combined with the firepower of advanced Star Wars tech. 

It’s the kind of gear that turns heads and makes you think twice about crossing its wielder.

At close range, it can deliver a paralyzing electric shock, calibrated anywhere from 50,000 to 500,000 volts.

Bigger creatures might only feel an irritating pinch, but when Din cranks it up to full power, the rifle does something terrifying: it disintegrates its target entirely.

Molecules vibrate so violently that they tear apart, leaving behind nothing but sparks, a few charred remnants, and maybe a faint wisp of smoke. 

In The Mandalorian, we see this in action when Din reduces a Trandoshan to a memory with a single, devastating shot.

What sets the Amban Phase-Pulse Rifle apart is how it bridges the gap between sci-fi weaponry and classic firearms. It’s technically a blaster, but its functionality and design scream high-tech sniper rifle.