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Anh Pham

Let’s talk about a major “what if” scenario in the Star Wars universe. We all know Emperor Palpatine was secretly a Sith Lord, but what if the entire galaxy found out about his dark side? How would the people react? Would they rebel, shrug it off, or maybe even rally behind him? Well, the answer …

Read More about If the Entire Galaxy Found Out the Emperor Was a Sith Lord, How Would They React?

When it comes to discussing the Star Wars prequels, especially Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, Hayden Christensen’s portrayal of Anakin Skywalker tends to get a lot of attention, often not for the right reasons. But was his acting really as bad as some fans claim? Let’s get into why Hayden’s performance …

Read More about Hayden Christensen’s Acting Was Far From the Worst & Didn’t Deserve the Hate

Padmé Amidala, Queen of Naboo and later Senator, was a woman known for her compassion, strong principles, and determination to help those in need. She was also deeply affected by her encounter with young Anakin Skywalker, a slave on Tatooine, and his mother, Shmi Skywalker. After Anakin’s pivotal role in saving Naboo, one might wonder: …

Read More about Why Didn’t Padme Buy Schmi Skywalker Out of Slavery?

The Star Wars universe has always been iconic for many reasons, and Darth Vader is right there at the top of the list. With the release of Obi-Wan Kenobi on Disney+, many fans are excited to see Hayden Christensen back in the role of Anakin Skywalker, or more accurately, Darth Vader. But here’s where it …

Read More about With James Earl Jones’ Voice, And Three Actors Wearing The Suit, Who’s Actually Playing Darth Vader At This Point?

In The Force Awakens, there’s this intense scene where Kylo Ren is speaking to the melted mask of Darth Vader. It got me thinking – how did the mask end up like that? After all, in some of the Star Wars comics, we see Vader standing in molten material, and his suit doesn’t seem to …

Read More about How Did Darth Vader’s Mask Melt After the End of ROTJ Even Though in Canon His Suit Is Lava Proof?

The sequel trilogy of Star Wars has been a source of debate ever since The Last Jedi hit theaters. Many place the blame for the trilogy’s downfall on Rian Johnson’s The Last Jedi, calling it divisive and accusing it of ruining plotlines established in The Force Awakens. But is that really fair? While The Last …

Read More about Stop Blaming The Last Jedi. The Force Awakens Was What Really Derailed the Sequel Trilogy.

If you’re a Star Wars fan, you probably remember the quick yet iconic moment in Attack of the Clones where Obi-Wan Kenobi uses a Jedi mind trick on a guy trying to sell him death sticks. Obi-Wan’s casual line, “You want to go home and rethink your life,” became one of those classic Star Wars …

Read More about In AOTC, Did the Guy Trying to Sell Obi-Wan Death Sticks Actually Go Home and Rethink His Life or Not?

If you’ve ever seen Starkiller standing in that iconic reverse grip lightsaber stance, you’ve probably thought, “What exactly is this stance, and is it even practical?” Well, Star Wars fans have had plenty of fun coming up with names for it, and they’ve definitely hit the mark with their creative takes. One of the best …

Read More about Anyone Know the Name of this Stance?

When you think about Anakin Skywalker’s childhood on Tatooine, there’s no denying that he accomplished some pretty mind-blowing feats. After all, how many nine-year-olds do you know who could build a protocol droid from scratch and design a podracer from spare parts in a dusty junkyard, even in such a fictional world like Star Wars? …

Read More about Was Anakin Unreasonably Smart or Is Building a Droid Relatively Easy in the Star Wars Universe?

When we think about The Empire Strikes Back, one of the most iconic moments is Luke Skywalker’s intense training with Yoda on the swampy planet of Dagobah. But have you ever wondered just how long Luke spent learning the ways of the Jedi? At first glance, it seems like he wasn’t there for long – …

Read More about How Long Was Luke’s Training On Dagobah?