I’ve always thought Leia’s reaction to Vader being her father made a lot of sense. People love to talk about Luke’s forgiveness, how he believed there was still good in Anakin. But Leia? She didn’t go down that path. And honestly, when you really look at what she went through, it’s hard to blame her. …
Anh Pham
When I watched Attack of the Clones again, one thing really stood out. Obi-Wan shows up on Kamino, and there’s this huge clone army, fully armed and trained, ready for war. But the Republic never officially ordered it – or paid for it. So how did Kamino cover all that upfront? The Sith Were Secretly …
I noticed something during a recent rewatch of Return of the Jedi—Leia has one fingernail that’s noticeably longer than the others. It’s most visible in the scenes at Jabba’s palace. It threw me off at first, so I decided to look into it a bit, and here’s what I found. The “Coke Nail” Theory—and Carrie …
Padmé Amidala’s pregnancy was one of the most tightly kept secrets in the final days of the Republic. With Anakin being a Jedi – who weren’t supposed to marry or form attachments – and their relationship hidden from nearly everyone, the question naturally comes up: who did Padmé tell people was the father of her …
I was rewatching Revenge of the Sith the other day, and it hit me again – Anakin really could’ve had it all. No lava, no suit, no Palpatine breathing down his neck. Every time I get to that part, I start thinking about the version of him that stayed in the light. So I figured …
Credit: Reddit Revenge of the Sith Novel Capter. Palpatine reveals himself to AnakinWatch this video on YouTube [Palpatine speaking] He ticked his fingers one by one. “I have kept the secret of your marriage all these years. The slaughter at the Tusken camp, you shared with me. I was there when you executed Count Dooku. …
I’ve seen this talked about a lot, and honestly, I used to think stormtroopers were just terrible shots too. But after digging into the films, shows, and the actual story details, I realized it’s way more complicated than that. They’re not as useless as people make them out to be. Let me break down everything …
I know we’ve been hearing this on and off for years, but Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake is still in development. That came straight from Saber Interactive’s Chief Creative Officer, Tim Willits. On March 14, he posted: Saber Interactive is one of the largest independent developers in the world. We are working …
I’ve always found it funny how those B1 battle droids from Star Wars show up in so many different colors. At first, I just thought it was random, but nope – turns out each color means they have a different job. Let me walk you through what all those colors actually mean, because honestly, it’s …
People always talk about Vader wiping out the Jedi, but why does no one bring up what he did to the clones? The Jedi were labeled as traitors, but the clones? They were still loyal. And yet, Vader had no problem cutting them down like they were nothing. So what made him turn on the …