The galactic universe of Star Wars has a mysterious phenomenon known as the Force. This is a living energy that binds all living beings in the galaxy. The Force, although inherently neutral, has been divided into two sides. Certain individuals have learnt the ability to manipulate the Force to their bidding, whether with genuine or …
From the prequel Star Wars movies, we became familiar with clone troopers. They originally served as soldiers for the Galactic Republic. From the original movies, we came to know the stormtroopers that replaced the clone troopers once the Empire formed. If we compare the armor that each wore, clone armor vs. stormtrooper armor, which would …
Since his first appearance in the original trilogy, the bounty hunter Boba Fett has captivated Star Wars fans. His story spans several decades, and this has led some fans to wonder about his age. How old is Boba in each of his Star Wars appearances? Boba Fett is between 10 and 13 years old during …
Captain Rex is a favorite character among Star Wars fans. Known for his loyalty and dedication to doing the right thing, Rex was a Captain and Commander during the Clone Wars who later fought for the Rebel Alliance. Have you ever wondered about his age throughout his various Star Wars appearances? In The Clone Wars, …
Captain Rex was a beloved character of The Clone Wars TV series. A Clone officer who served under Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars, Rex became a fan favorite because of his willingness to always do the right thing and to look out for his Clone brothers. The Clone Wars ended right after Order 66 …
Ahsoka Tano is a favorite character of The Clone Wars series, where she fights alongside Anakin Skywalker as his Jedi padawan. Years later, she also played a major role in Star Wars Rebels, and she will soon be getting her own show on Disney Plus. Ahsoka was not only Anakin’s padawan, but she became his …
From the first Star Wars movie, we became captivated by the Death Star. The ability to blast planets away with the push of a button helped define the power of the Empire. Then with the sequel movies, we came to know the Starkiller Base and its even greater destructive capabilities. If we compare both mobile …
Every villain has at least one weakness, and Darth Vader is no exception. But you might be surprised to learn what the scary Sith Lord’s weakness is; sand. Sand doesn’t physically hurt Darth Vader. Instead, it is a reminder of his childhood as Anakin Skywalker, enduring slavery and even his mother’s death. It is for …
Ahsoka Tano is one of the most beloved characters in the Star Wars universe. Though she started as a cocky, reckless Jedi padawan, she grew and changed significantly over the course of her Star Wars appearances. This has led many fans to wonder about her age at various points in her story. Specifically, how old …
You may be wondering whether Darth Vader is going to make an appearance in The Mandalorian. Vader, one of the most powerful Force-sensitives to ever master the dark side of the Force, has cheated death numerous times. But did he make it to the time the events of The Mandalorian took place in 9 ABY. …