The climactic duel between Jedi Luke Skywalker and his father, Sith Lord Darth Vader, is one of the most memorable battles of any movie. The moments following this battle are every bit as memorable. But perhaps you’re struggling to remember the conversation that happened as Vader died in Luke’s arms. What did the Sith Lord …
Darth Vader is strong with the Force. Batman is powerful with his fighting tactics and gadgets. Vader uses the Force and his red lightsaber to defeat his opponents. Batman relies on his punches, explosives, and wits to outmaneuver his enemies. The question is: Can Darth Vader beat Batman? It would be a challenging match, but …
The bounty hunter Boba Fett is shrouded in mystery, this is the reason a spin-off show was made about him. His background is especially mysterious. Is Boba Fett a clone or a Mandalorian? While he wears the armor of a Mandalorian, Boba was born a clone and retains that clone identity. Is Boba Fett a …
If you have seen Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, you may have caught a glimpse of E.T. E.T.’s species does appear briefly in one scene. While E.T. is from a 1980s movie, is he actually part of the Star Wars universe? Although there are some good arguments about E.T. and Star Wars belonging …
You may think that Darth Vader wears a cape to complete his menacing look. His cape certainly does add to his intimidation. Yet, it actually serves practical purposes. So, why does Darth Vader actually wear a cape? It has more to do with the cape’s protective features than its evil look. Completing his appearance is …
Ever since his days as a Jedi, Darth Vader has been no stranger to being injured. He lost all his limbs, had broken vertebrae, a disfigured face, and destroyed lungs. It’s quite impressive that Lord Vader survived these injuries. If any regular human were to endure what he went through, they most likely would have …
No other character in the Star Wars series is as iconic as Darth Vader. His black suit, booming voice, and tall stature make him an intimidating villain. But just how tall was Darth Vader? According to Star Wars canon, Darth Vader stood at 6 foot 8 inches when wearing his full cybernetics and armor (suit). …
Jabba the Hutt is an immense creature. Sluglike in appearance, he and other Hutts are quite large. Hutts belong to a species of gastropods that are known for their size. But how much does a Hutt weigh? They are about as large as a small car or rhinoceros, but smaller than an elephant. Hutts weigh …
Most Star Wars fans recognize Gungans from The Phantom Menace, but their species exists beyond one movie in the Star Wars universe. Even so, we rarely see Gungans in episodes 2 and 3. The most famous Gungan by far is Jar Jar Binks, who has received harsh reviews from die-hard fans. We see Jar Jar …
In the Star Wars universe, Anakin Skywalker was known for having the highest midi-chlorian count of any Jedi. This means he was perhaps the most Force-sensitive being in the galaxy, and this high midi-chlorian count is part of why he was such a powerful Jedi. So, what was his midi-chlorian count? Anakin was said to …