Death Troopers are undeniably one of the coolest additions to the Star Wars canon. Described in lore books and’s databank as elite bodyguards for the highest Imperial officials, they also double as commandos for special operations. But here’s the strange part—if they’re supposed to guard the Imperial elite, why don’t we ever see them …
Star Wars is a franchise we love for its epic stories, memorable characters, and iconic moments. But let’s be honest—not everything has hit the mark. Over the years, there have been decisions in the movies and shows that left us scratching our heads, sparking endless debates among fans. Whether it’s a plot twist that didn’t …
Star Wars is built on so many incredible elements—stunning planets, fascinating characters, the noble Jedi, and the sinister Sith. And, of course, the droids. But let’s be honest—when you really think about it, the droids in Star Wars don’t make much sense. Here’s why. Why Do Ships Need Astromechs? Astromech droids like R2-D2 and BB-8 …
We all know Jabba the Hutt as the larger-than-life gangster who ruled his palace with an iron grip. But what’s with his obsession with humanoid slaves and unique artifacts? Even his own species, the Hutts, found Jabba’s behavior strange. What did the Hutts and those around him really think of Jabba? Jabba’s Bizarre Obsession with …
After Obi-Wan Kenobi defeated Anakin at the Battle of Mustafar, Sidious could have pursued another option. If Palpatine had cloned Anakin, he could have developed a stronger version of Darth Vader. Why didn’t he do it? Among the reasons is that a cloned Anakin could have been a true threat. Why Did Sidious Never Clone …
Star Wars is one of the most beloved franchises. Or is it? Renewed discussions have pointed to the idea that perhaps Star Wars could be the most hated by its own fans. Is this true? If so, what explains this hatred? Read on to find out more. Do Fans Hate Star Wars the Most? This …
Appearing in Rogue One and Solo, the Decraniated represent the true dark side of Star Wars. Doctor Cornelius Evazan created these servants on behalf of criminal boss Dryden Vos. The fate of these former people is scary and disturbing. Here are 5 facts about Decraniated servants you may have missed. 1. The Decraniated Served on …
The grisly scene of Owen and Aunt Beru in A New Hope was a shock. Even though their actual deaths occurred off-screen, we clearly saw the aftermath. What happened in this shocking moment? Read on to find out. What Did the Stormtroopers Do to Owen and Beru? Audiences remember the scene with Jawas and their …
This brilliant tattoo idea comes from Reddit user u/BillyDaviesThighs, and I think you’ll love it as much as I do! Subtle yet instantly recognizable to true fans, it’s a clever nod to the iconic Star Wars logo. What do you think—would you get one like this? Let me know!
We all know the story of Luke Skywalker. His journey to save the galaxy is legendary, but it’s his decision to redeem his father, Darth Vader, that truly defines his legacy. Luke risked everything to pull Vader back from the dark side, proving that even the most notorious figure in the galaxy could find redemption. …