I really love the little details in The Mandalorian, like the moment when Din Djarin and Grogu defeat the Mudhorn. Afterward, they return to the Armorer, who forges a Mudhorn signet for Din’s right shoulder, symbolizing their bond and victory. That scene got me thinking about someone else with a similar symbol: Boba Fett. While …
The first time I noticed Luke’s prosthetic hand was still damaged after Return of the Jedi, I couldn’t help but wonder—why didn’t he fix it? At first, it seemed like a small detail, just some battle damage from Jabba’s sail barge. But as the movie went on, he never bothered to repair it. Then The …
During the Clone Wars, the AT-TE was a mainstay weapon that evolved into legendary status for Star Wars fans. This combat vehicle has multiple features that help it stand out. We can start by recognizing its walking speed and then think about eleven other outstanding components. 1. Walking Speed The All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (AT-TE) …
In Attack of the Clones, Count Dooku was introduced as a central villain. Formerly dubbed Darth Tyrannus, Dooku had left the Jedi for the dark side and the Sith. Yet, how evil was he really? This is a highly debated question, with Dooku depicted as in the range of not so evil to pure evil. …
Star Wars fans know much about Yoda. Yet, we may not be familiar with the symbol that goes with him. What is it and what does it represent? It has to do with Yoda’s personal approach to being a Jedi. What Is This Symbol? Fans discussed this mysterious symbol on this Reddit discussion. A few …
In The Rise of Skywalker, we see Force healing used multiple times by Light Side users. Rey heals a wounded creature and later saves Ben Solo’s life, making it seem like a natural Jedi ability. But this raises an important question. In The Clone Wars Mortis arc, Anakin uses Force healing to bring Ahsoka back …
I’ll be honest, I didn’t question it at first. Grogu shows up in Mando’s lap when he needs to, and that was good enough for me – until I saw people pointing it out. Now I can’t not think about it. If there’s no visible way for him to move between sections, then how does …
Growing up, I always assumed the Republic took care of its own. The Jedi were noble, the clones were heroes, and the good guys looked out for each other. But when I started getting into what actually happened to wounded clones, I realized the reality was far more brutal. Some found new purpose—others weren’t so …
Clone armor is already pretty detailed, but have you ever noticed that some officers have those little rank bars on their chest while others don’t? I didn’t catch it right away, but once I did, I had so many questions. There had to be a reason—Star Wars usually doesn’t do things by accident. So, let’s …
I always wondered what happened to the Jedi who didn’t make it. Like, what if you trained your whole life, swinging your little training saber, mastering the Force, and then – boom – you flunk the Trials? Do they just tell you, “Thanks for playing, now get lost”? Or do you get stuck in some …