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Throughout Star Wars Canon and Legends, Jedi appear to be stronger and faster than the galaxy’s average beings. Although their immense athletic ability raises the question: Is the average Jedi as strong and athletic as they look, or is this the Force at work, or a combo? The average Jedi is physically stronger than the …

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Have you ever wondered why some Jedi Disappear when they Die While Others Don’t? Why do Yoda and obi-wan bodies disappear, but Anakin Skywalker and Qui-gong Jinn’s bodies don’t disappear when they die? In this article, this is what we’ll be covering. Why do some Jedi Disappear when they Die? We know that Annakin, Obi-Wan, …

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The Darksaber is arguably the most unique weapon in Star Wars, given its one-of-a-kind look from its hilt to its blade. The Darksaber is further unique in the franchise since, for one to be recognized as its true owner, they must win it in combat.  Created by Tarre Vizsla, the Darksaber’s craftsmanship stemmed from Mandalorian …

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Having shelter is one of the most important things for any living being. Unfortunately, every person does not have access to shelter, regardless of how necessary it is.  Certainly, the inhabitants of the Star Wars universe are no different.  Although they often engaged in many humanitarian missions, the Jedi still needed a place to call …

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Power, anger, and hate defined the Sith. And through passion, they believed they could achieve power and become victorious in their quest to rule the Galaxy. But did they succeed in ruling the Galaxy, and by extension, care about the Galaxy? Sheev Palpatine was a madman, but plenty of evidence exists that he cared about …

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The Sith used natural human emotions like fear and twisted it into negative traits like anger and hate.They also fought and killed without remorse, so it’s natural to believe they used blasters given their arsenal of superweapons. But the Sith used blasters as little as their Jedi enemies.  The Sith rarely used blasters in Star …

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All species must reproduce. There are two ways that they do this: through asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction occurs when one member of the species engages in intercourse with another member of their species. Once pregnant, there is a gestation period–for humans, this is nine months. When this period is over, usually a …

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One of the fascinating aspects of Star Wars is lightsabers. Unlike any other, they’re a weapon and are often inextricably linked to the Jedi Order that created them. With the ability to cut through almost anything, it’s hard not to wonder at various aspects of the life cycle of a Star Wars lightsaber. Let us …

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