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The Sith used natural human emotions like fear and twisted it into negative traits like anger and hate.They also fought and killed without remorse, so it’s natural to believe they used blasters given their arsenal of superweapons. But the Sith used blasters as little as their Jedi enemies.  The Sith rarely used blasters in Star …

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All species must reproduce. There are two ways that they do this: through asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction occurs when one member of the species engages in intercourse with another member of their species. Once pregnant, there is a gestation period–for humans, this is nine months. When this period is over, usually a …

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One of the fascinating aspects of Star Wars is lightsabers. Unlike any other, they’re a weapon and are often inextricably linked to the Jedi Order that created them. With the ability to cut through almost anything, it’s hard not to wonder at various aspects of the life cycle of a Star Wars lightsaber. Let us …

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Jedi Grand Master Yoda is one of the most loved characters the show offers. Having lived to the monumental age of 900, Yoda has a broad array of wisdom that he can safely say no one else in the Jedi Order has.  This knowledge that he has imparted unto centuries worth of upcoming Jedi. This …

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Jedi Grand Master Yoda was an uncontested legend in the Star Wars universe.  He had approximately 900 years to amass all the knowledge and skills he was known for.  During the many centuries that Master Yoda lived through, he certainly bore witness to many changes.  He trained multiple generations of upcoming Jedi in the way …

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Yoda was one of the smallest Force-sensitive beings in Star Wars. But he was also among the strongest, demonstrating a connection to the Force no other Jedi in the saga reached. A model Jedi, Yoda proved that “size matters not.”  Yoda was so strong with the Force that he absorbed Force lightning with his bare …

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If Star Wars Legends and the Skywalker Saga shared a common denominator, it’s that Sith Apprentices like killing. Or at least plotting to kill their Masters. However, Sith Masters have killed their Apprentices, so perhaps this is a two-way street.  Some believe Sith Lords cared about their Apprentices, but it only seems to be the …

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The Mandolorian, Din Djarin, found Baby Yoda (Grogu) on the desert planet Arvala-7. This planet can be easily confused with Tatootine or Dantooine. And as we’re eagerly awaiting season 3 of The Mandalorian, many questions have yet to be answered. Questions like, how did Grogu get to Arvala-7? How long was he there? Why was …

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Jedi Grand Master Yoda is one of the most powerful characters the Star Wars universe has to offer.  Having lived for nine centuries, Master Yoda had ample time to perfect his craft. Of course, this time, coupled with frequent meditation, allowed him to grow his connection to the Force.  What’s more, Master Yoda was dubbed …

Read More about Why Couldn’t Yoda Beat Palpatine BUT Mace Could?