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Since the beginning of the Star Wars franchise, fans have been comparing the strengths of the characters. While some characters’ strengths are up for debate, George Lucas made it clear who some of the stronger characters are.  Jedi Grand Master Yoda was one character whose power and abilities never needed to be questioned. Living to …

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Count Dooku, (Darth Tyranus), didn’t make much of an impression when I first watched Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. But thanks to this job, I’ve become fascinated by him. As his name suggests, Count Dooku is a real aristocrat. His parents were either proud to have a Force-sensitive son (there are …

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Grogu, also adorably called Baby Yoda, is one of the most loved yet mysterious characters among the Star Wars communities. Baby Yoda made his debut at the beginning of the franchise series Star Wars: The Mandalorians and has been a joy to behold. He began as a Jedi Initiate but his skills far surpassed that …

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Why can’t a Jedi use the Force to turn off Lightsabers? Well, let’s find out! We’ll look at what turning off their lightsaber means, why they can’t use the Force to do it easily, and Why Jedi don’t deactivate Lightsabers to avoid being blocked? Can Jedi use the Force to Turn Off a Lightsaber? After …

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If the Jedi were so Force-sensitive, couldn’t they have figured out Palpatine before he issued Order 66 and ended the Jedi Order? Logistically, they could, but Palpatine had tricks up his sleeve the Jedi were unaware of, and it allowed him to hide his true identity.  Palpatine used Force stealth, among other tricks, to conceal …

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Some Jedi start training when they’re infants, and it was rare to see any beginning beyond five years of age. For the Jedi Order, the younger one began training, the better, as it allowed them to understand and master the Jedi Code.  The Jedi believed that those who started training later were often more prone …

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Every living being in Star Wars is special in its own way. Whether it be through strength, intelligence, or simply being kind.  Of course, just like in our reality, some have a slight edge over others. In the case of Star Wars, these blessed beings are the Force-sensitives.  Force-sensitive individuals have an advantage because they …

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Jedi are well-known for being peaceful, calm warriors with a zen-like focus on the Force, but does that mean that Jedi are incapable of negative emotion? Are they somehow immune to the frustration and pain that we all face? They’re not robots, after all. Fear, anger, hate, and suffering are the path to the dark …

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In The Mandalorian, it seems like everyone forgot about the Jedi, despite the Clone Wars having taken place just two-and-a-half decades before. But, when someone like Darth Sidious called the shots, his demonization and erasure of Jedi history could serve as the culprit.  Order 66 was just the start of what became the erasure of …

Read More about Why Does No One Know About The Jedi In Mandalorian?

The Force is one of the most important elements in the Star Wars galaxy. It abides within all living beings and serves as a binding agent for them. Some individuals have a stronger inclination to the Force than others. They are known as being Force-sensitive. These Force-sensitives were determined by their midi-chlorian levels. From there, …

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