Shared by u/PopsicleIncorporated: A while ago, I learned that a friend of mine had never seen Star Wars. I gave him my DVD of A New Hope and had him watch it, I wanted to know what he thought. After he finished it, I decided I wanted to watch Empire Strikes Back with him. For …
With Ahsoka Season 2 officially in development, the Star Wars community is buzzing with theories and rumors. Many beloved characters are expected to return, including Ezra Bridger. There’s even playful speculation about the return of Jabba the Hutt. Of course, we all know Jabba the Hutt’s fate, so his return is unlikely. However, the idea …
Shared by u/Joseph_Laban: So, even though Vader told both Ahsoka and Obi-Wan that he’d destroyed Anakin Skywalker, when push came to shove, he still identified as Luke’s father. Like, despite claiming he had buried the identity of Anakin (he even said as much to Luke on Endor), he couldn’t fully detach from the fact that …
Revenge of the Sith gave us countless iconic moments, from Palpatine’s reveal as Darth Sidious to the intense duels between Yoda and Palpatine and Anakin and Obi-Wan on Mustafar. However, one scene that often raises eyebrows is when Obi-Wan stands on the ship, with a menace stand as Padmé pleads with Anakin. As Padmé desperately …
We all know how powerful and fearsome General Grievous is, especially with his impressive lightsaber collection and his ability to defeat Force wielders, including not just Jedi but also the Dathomir Witches. And that’s just with his normal strength, having been trained in lightsaber combat by Darth Tyranus. Typically, in Star Wars, those who wield …
Mando, or Din Djarin, is the main character in the series The Mandalorian. Throughout the series, we see Mando as an outstanding and truly dangerous bounty hunter, comparable to Jango Fett or Boba Fett. If you have watched the series, you would know how Mando upgraded his armor to Beskar after completing many bounty hunter …
As Star Wars fans, we’ve seen some epic highs and surprising lows from the franchise’s Disney+ series lineup. The Mandalorian redefined how Star Wars could work in episodic storytelling, while shows like Andor and Ahsoka brought their own unique flavor to the galaxy far, far away. But one of the most expensive and boldest undertakings, …
When we look closely, Return of the Jedi is not just about Luke’s rise as a Jedi Knight—it’s also about Anakin’s return to the light, and the ultimate fulfillment of his destiny as the Chosen One. Anakin’s redemption in Return of the Jedi is what makes the title so much more meaningful. His return to …
As Star Wars fans, we all have those gut-wrenching moments throughout the saga that leave a lasting impact. However, after rewatching The Clone Wars and Rebels, some fans now feel that Ahsoka Tano’s discovering that her former master, Anakin Skywalker, has become Darth Vader holds even greater emotional weight than Luke Skywalker’s revelation that Vader …
We all know the story of Anakin Skywalker is one filled with so much potential, love, and, ultimately, tragedy. While Luke and Leia are obviously central to his legacy, there’s a side of Anakin’s journey that often gets overlooked: his bond with Ahsoka Tano, his former Padawan. In so many ways, their relationship was like …