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Yes. There’s been some confusion about this, but Jedi do have emotions. They have to learn how to control them. Everywhere in visual media, (movies, games, etc), we see many cases of a Jedi being emotional. Whether it’s Yoda teasing someone or a Force ghost smiling proudly from a distance, Jedi have the same range …

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While it appears all Jedi fight right-handed given their stance during lightsaber duels, the possibility exists that some are left-handed. This topic has received little attention throughout the fandom, but we can point to a few clues to discover which Jedi favor their left hand.  There are few known left-handed Jedi besides Luke Skywalker and …

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This is the hardest question concerning Star Wars that I’ve tackled. There’s no official answer, and legends can’t help either. That said, I’ll be using my interpretations, knowledge from movies and TV shows, as well as good old fashioned common sense. Do Jedi become stronger with age? Yes and no. It depends largely on the …

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There are phenomenal lightsaber hilt designs all over the Star Wars universe. The following designs have become well-known to Star Wars fans of all generations for their memorable features that stand out from the rest. From the famous sabercane, to Count Dooku’s unique curved hilt, to Satele Shan’s double-hilt that blends in with her attire: …

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The answer to whether Jedi live longer than non-Force-sensitive beings varies. Some Jedi, like Yoda, live for nine centuries. Regardless of their species, since Jedi are Force-sensitive, they can both live longer and even keep a youthful appearance for a finite time.  Depending on their Force-sensitivity, Jedi may live longer. It’s uncommon, but not unheard …

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Jedi learn to block lasers early in their Jedi training. As with most maneuvers inside a Jedi’s toolbox, blocking lasers involves using the Force.  Using low-powered lightsabers early in their training, younglings learn to attune themselves with the Force. They entwine their thoughts and actions into a single flow of energy, using themselves as a …

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People of all ages, whether they are Star Wars fans or not, know what a lightsaber is.  Lightsabers have become an icon for anyone wanting to just embrace the light (or perhaps dark) side of the Force. Thanks to the kyber crystals, lightsabers come in many colors. Of course, there are more common colors such …

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Throughout Star Wars Canon and Legends, Jedi have turned to the Sith. Anakin Skywalker is the most notable, having become Darth Vader in Episode III. Skywalker is one of many Jedi who have turned to the Dark Side for a variety of reasons, but he isn’t the only one.   Jedi can use Sith powers since …

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Since Force-sensitivity, not gender, determines who is and who isn’t Jedi, a Jedi can be a girl. And like their male counterparts, their power varies depending on how much Force-sensitivity they possess. And throughout the franchise, there have been many powerful female Jedi.   There are many female Jedis, but they didn’t gain prominence in the …

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The Jedi in Star Wars movies are usually depicted as living solitary lives. Master Yoda may come to mind, living alone on the swampy planet of Dagobah. Or, how we encounter Obi-Wan Kenobi living in the rock caves on Tatooine. Other times, Jedi tend to be training only with other Jedi. So, it seems unlikely …

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A pink lightsaber is not very common in the Star Wars universe. In fact, before Mace Windu in the Trilogies, these magenta- toned blades were never before seen!  There’s a reason why individual Star Wars characters are drawn to specifically colored kyber crystals; each color resonates with the individual jedi for one reason or another. …

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