In the vast cosmos of science fiction, few characters are as strategically brilliant as Ender Wiggin from Orson Scott Card’s ‘Ender’s Game’ and Grand Admiral Thrawn from the Star Wars universe. Both are renowned for their tactical prowess and leadership skills, leading their respective crews through numerous challenges and battles. But what if these two …
Force Speed, a power that enhances the user’s sprinting ability, is a fascinating aspect of the Force. One of the most vivid instances in the Star Wars movies is when Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan employ it to evade the Droidekas. But what if there were more instances where Force users wielded Force Speed in battle? Here, …
Assuming you’ve seen the final season of the renowned series ‘Star Wars: Clone Wars’, you’ll recall the moment Ahsoka returned and received her dual-bladed lightsaber from her master, Anakin Skywalker. You might have noticed a change in detail – Ahsoka’s lightsabers, which were green the last time she used them, are now blue in the …
The Phantom Menace has garnered its share of criticism. After this film’s debut in 1999, many viewers protested against characters like Jar Jar Binks and the heavy reliance on CGI. Yet, these long-standing critiques miss the many valuable contributions this first prequel movie made. Here are 10 reasons why we should see The Phantom Menace …
I always thought being a Jedi or bounty hunter would be the only jobs I’d want in Star Wars. But after writing this list, I’m seriously considering the quiet life of a bar owner on Coruscant—or maybe commanding a Star Destroyer (Grand Admiral vibes, anyone?). What about you? Which job in the galaxy would you …
The Star Wars universe is vast, filled with countless heroes, villains, and complex relationships. Among these, the bond between fathers and their children stands out, showcasing love, sacrifice, and growth. Here are eight of the most beloved “space dads” in Star Wars, each with a unique story that highlights their journey through fatherhood. 1. Darth …
In the vast expanse of the Star Wars universe, the stories of individual Clone Troopers often remain untold, overshadowed by epic battles and legendary Jedi. Yet, these stories are filled with raw emotion, unexpected heroism, and tragic twists. This article unveils one such tale – the journey of the Aiwha Squad. Their story, set against …
As the 77th Festival de Cannes unfolded, a special guest, George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, took center stage. During an interview, Lucas addressed criticisms that his first six Star Wars films were predominantly about white men and were sexist. George Lucas stated “Most of the people are aliens! The idea is you’re supposed …
Stormtroopers are often humorously known for their tendency to miss shots, but that’s not the focus of this article. As a Star Wars fan myself, I’ve always been intrigued by a particular feature of the Stormtrooper armor – the ‘OII’ plates on their backs. Their purpose wasn’t immediately clear, which only added to my curiosity. …
Stormtroopers patrolling the Death Star – it’s a familiar sight in the Star Wars universe. But have you ever wondered why? This article goes beyond the surface, exploring the military strategies at play and the Empire’s focus on security. Join us as we delve into the purpose behind the constant presence of these iconic soldiers. …