The relationship between Han Solo and Princess Leia spans the Star Wars saga. At times turbulent, other times loving, they are the central couple of the franchise. We remember them racing through the Death Star to make their escape, exchanging insults along the way. And, we remember them coming together as a couple after the …
Star Wars is filled with many characters who have proven their worth time and time again. Of course, there are some characters who are more notable than others. In particular, Darth Vader is one of the (if not the) most popular characters in the franchise. Not only is he the most popular, but he is …
The Emperor, or Sheev Palpatine, was known for using Force lightning. In Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, the Emperor mercilessly inflicts Luke Skywalker with these blasts of lightning. Other Sith were known for using Force lightning too. It is a power that coincides with the Dark Side, but can only the Sith …
Emperor Palpatine is a mysterious figure in the Star Wars galaxy. As possibly the most powerful Sith Lord, Palpatine sprang to power from the Senate, and his Force abilities were not known until it was too late. The Jedi were not aware that Palpatine was Force-sensitive or a Sith until he turned on them. That …
Also known as Darth Sidious, Palpatine served as the main antagonist of The Skywalker Saga, which took place between 32 BBY and 35 ABY. Because of Palpatine’s status as the primary bad guy in the films, you may wonder how old he was during each movie. Palpatine was born in 84 BBY, placing him between …
Cad Bane is one of the more notorious characters in Star Wars. A well-known bounty hunter, Bane saw his fair share of battles with Jedi during the Clone Wars, and he even underwent missions during the age of the Galactic Empire. Bane had a rather unique appearance, and one that gives him resemblance to several …
Star Wars Canon is loaded with powerful Force users. So much so that when composing a list of the top ten, we needed to think outside the box and leave no stone unturned. For this reason, you will find a few familiar names, but also a couple of surprises. Below, we listed accomplished Force users …
If one common theme exists in Star Wars, it is that many main characters suffer. And with so many characters in the franchise, we see suffering at nearly every turn. With so much misfortune, you may wonder which characters suffered the most in Star Wars. Many of the characters you will meet either fulfilled roles …
Emperor Palpatine is one of the most iconic villains in Star Wars history. His grotesque appearance and evil ideologies rank him second to none, while his Force lightning and knowledge of the Force make him a lethal opponent. Palpatine is often seen behind the scenes pulling strings and working in secret to achieve his Sith …
One recurring theme in Star Wars is that the dark side tempts its main characters. Some, like Anakin Skywalker and Ben Solo, fell to the dark side. Others, like Luke Skywalker and Rey, resisted its temptation. Luke, however, nearly fell to its temptation in Return of the Jedi. So let’s outline a scenario where Luke …