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Could CIS Actually Beat the Republic if Palpatine Wasn’t Playing Both Sides?

Could CIS Actually Beat the Republic if Palpatine Wasn’t Playing Both Sides?

In The Clone Wars, we witnessed the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS) take on the Republic and be on the verge of losing. Yet, what if the Clone Wars happened without Palpatine playing both sides? Could CIS actually beat the Republic? The potential for a CIS victory has merits, but we see more advantages for the Republic.

Could CIS Win?

Pushing past the issue of the war starting without Palpatine’s influence, this video conjectures that the CIS could beat the Republic. The reasons include its powerful ships, “mega-corporation” backing, and its numerically superior droid army. The Republic, in comparison, has a “decentralized military” with a newly created clone army that is outnumbered and could be worn down.

Why the CIS would've won

That argument coincides with some comments in this discussion which emphasize CIS’s “overwhelming numbers” that surpassed the clones. By the numbers, the CIS stood firm and ready to overwhelm the Republic. The CIS could outright defeat the Republic or force “a negotiated peace” with “two legitimate galactic governments” that speaks to a win for them all the same. 

One fan here indicates how the CIS not only had “numbers of their side” but also “a lack of scruples about using weapons the Republic would not.” The advantage of ruthlessness could make for a CIS win. In addition, “they did have some genuinely talented commanders.” 

We may readily think of Count Dooku and General Grievous as capable leaders who could have led the CIS to victory. Among his many attributes, Dooku exemplified political leadership and independent thinking by departing from the Jedi. He was also a “master swordsman” who bested Anakin initially and contended with Yoda. His acumen on and off the battlefield could have provided an avenue for a CIS victory.

As for Grievous, we may well agree with comments here that recognize him as a “BRILLIANT tactician” and strategist. His physical strength and speed would also directly contribute to leading the CIS armies against the Republic.  

Despite these valid points, however, the argument that CIS could not defeat the Republic stands on stronger ground. Let’s see why. 

CIS Could Not Defeat the Republic

Recognizing how sheer numbers do not always win out is a starting point for claiming that CIS could not defeat the Republic. The clone army had superior fighting skills and could outweigh those numbers. 

The clone army had only 1.2 million members initially (3 million total later), while the separatist army was estimated to have “a staggering quintillion battle droids.” However, not only were the clone troopers far better soldiers, but battle droids with their poor construction were easily destroyed. Clone troopers, by contrast, were highly maneuverable and adapted fighters who could be described as “the ideal fighting unit.”

How Did a Clone Army of 3 Million Defeat a Droid Army of Quintillions? (Legends)

As the above video and fans have indicated, the Republic also drew on other support from across the galaxy to help bolster their cause. The Republic’s army contained “non-clone units” that fought “many battles throughout the galaxy without the aid of a single clone trooper.” The Republic had the option of calling on its “union” of star systems to help counterbalance the separatist army. 

Further, the Republic had the Jedi. The capable Jedi generals make for a long list, but we could briefly recognize the skills and leadership of Kit Fisto, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, and Shaak Ti as remarkable High Jedi Generals. Those Jedi alone, along with Yoda as a general, could substantially boost the odds of a Republic victory. 

We could bolster this list with Ahsoka Tano and her role in securing “victories on planets like Ryloth, Geonosis, and Mon Cala,” Anakin’s piloting and ground-fighting skills, and Oppo Rancisis’s “battle tactics and strategy” to effectively defeat the CIS. 

Combined with the leadership of clone commanders, the Jedi generals counteracted CIS’s numerical advantage and leadership. Even without Palpatine playing both sides, this outcome would be secured. 

CIS Versus Republic

CIS did have a vastly more numerous army and capable leaders like Dooku and Grievous. Yet, the combined clone, non-clone, and Jedi forces and abilities still push the advantage to the Republic, even if Palpatine was not playing both sides.