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Could Full Potential Anakin Beat Both Palpatine and Yoda at the Same Time?

Could Full Potential Anakin Beat Both Palpatine and Yoda at the Same Time?

Like many of you Star Wars fans out there, I’m intrigued by the notion of Anakin reaching his full potential. But wielding such power isn’t straightforward for Anakin, given his tendency to let emotions sway his actions. 

For Anakin to unlock his full potential, he would need to achieve emotional balance. This begs the question: if Anakin could master this, might he become the strongest character in the Star Wars universe?

Let’s imagine him in a face-off against the most revered Jedi, Master Yoda, and one of the most formidable Sith Lords, Emperor Palpatine. 

How would Anakin fare against these two legendary figures at the same time? 

Let’s begin!

How Strong is Anakin’s Full Potential?

Anakin Unleashes His Potential Power in The Force Realm

You might surprised that Anakin at full potential is completely strong.

If you haven’t explored this part of the story, here’s a highlight showcasing the strength of Anakin at full potential.

Anakin Skywalker meditating

In the 24th issue of the Star Wars Comics from 2017, there’s a fascinating glimpse into this idea. 

After entering the Force realm, Darth Vader’s spirit separates from his body, revealing itself as Anakin Skywalker, who embarks on a quest to save his beloved Padme.

Unfortunately, while he doesn’t find a way to save her, the experience strengthens him immensely.

In the Force realm, Anakin unleashes his full potential power, effortlessly besting esteemed members of the Jedi Council like Yoda, Yaddle, Yarael Poof, Mace Windu, and others.

Following this encounter, Anakin’s spiritual presence even manages to annihilate Darth Sidious using Force lightning.

This comic issue, firmly within the official canon, suggests that Anakin, had he not lost limbs to Obi-Wan and Count Dooku, would have unlocked his full potential. 

Anakin is as Strong as A Mortis God

Yoda vs Anakin

If you’re looking for more evidence of Anakin’s full potential, “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” Season 3, Episode 15, is a must-watch. 

In this episode, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Anakin find themselves in the mystical Mortis realm, home to entities called the Ones, or Mortis Gods, who possess unimaginable Force abilities.

During their adventure, Anakin ends up separated from Ahsoka and Obi-Wan. 

Meanwhile, Obi-Wan has a heart-to-heart moment with the Force ghost of Qui-Gon Jinn in a cave. 

They discuss Anakin’s incredible strength in the Force, with Obi-Wan noting, “The Force within him is stronger than any known Jedi.

On a different note, Anakin faces a trial by the Father, one of the Mortis Gods, who’s intrigued by Anakin’s natural power. 

The Father sets up a test using his children, the Son and Daughter, who embody the dark and light sides of the Force, respectively. 

They capture Ahsoka and Obi-Wan, and the Father presents Anakin with a gut-wrenching choice: save only one of his loved ones.

Faced with an impossible choice between saving Ahsoka or Obi-Wan, Anakin’s refusal to lose anyone he cares about leads him to overpower both the Son and the Daughter with the Force.

Witnessing this, the Father believes Anakin is fit to succeed him as a Mortis God. 

This pivotal moment—Anakin wielding control over both sides of the Force—demonstrates that his capabilities rival those of a Mortis God.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Anakin vs. The Son & The Daughter [1080p]

Full Potential Anakin vs. Palpatine & Yoda

Anakin vs Yoda and Palpatine

We’ve seen the extent of Anakin’s strength in the Force, suggesting that at his full potential, he could be the most powerful character in the Star Wars universe. 

However, taking on Yoda and Palpatine simultaneously presents a formidable challenge, particularly in a lightsaber duel. 

Both Yoda and Palpatine are exceptional duelists, not easily bested in traditional combat.

For Anakin to successfully face both Yoda and Palpatine, he’d need to tap into his full potential. This means not just skill with a lightsaber but also a masterful use of the Force. 

Consider how Anakin managed to overcome the embodiments of the light and dark sides of the Force, the Daughter and the Son, on Mortis.

A similar approach would be required here, with Yoda’s unparalleled mastery of the light side and Palpatine’s  (a.k.a Darth Sidious) deep connection to the dark side.

In such a duel, full-potential Anakin would need to leverage his complete Force capabilities to stand a chance against the combined might of Yoda and Palpatine. 

Drawing from the example of how he handled the Daughter and the Son, it’s clear that fully harnessing his Force abilities would be crucial for Anakin to potentially emerge victorious in this ultimate confrontation.


Palpatine and Yoda facing Anakin

Anakin’s full potential, as seen in his control over Mortis Gods and his dominant presence in the Force realm, suggests he could defeat both Yoda and Palpatine simultaneously.

His unique ability to harness both the light and dark sides of the Force, fulfilling his role as the Chosen One, makes this possible. 

In a theoretical clash, Anakin’s unparalleled power could indeed secure his victory, showcasing the might of the one destined to bring balance to the Force.