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Did Boba Fett Really Know About the Mythosaur? Why He Put the Mythosaur Symbol on His Armour?

Did Boba Fett Really Know About the Mythosaur? Why He Put the Mythosaur Symbol on His Armour?

I really love the little details in The Mandalorian, like the moment when Din Djarin and Grogu defeat the Mudhorn. Afterward, they return to the Armorer, who forges a Mudhorn signet for Din’s right shoulder, symbolizing their bond and victory.

That scene got me thinking about someone else with a similar symbol: Boba Fett. While he doesn’t bear a Mudhorn signet, he does have the Mythosaur emblem. It made me wonder—if Din Djarin claimed the Mudhorn as part of his new clan after defeating it, does that mean Boba Fett once killed a Mythosaur to earn his signet?

Star Wars Hasn’t Given Us a Definitive Explanation …Yet

I know every Star Wars fan out there remembers the first time watching The Empire Strikes Back and being introduced to Boba Fett, the mighty bounty hunter that no one in the galaxy would dare to challenge. For newer fans, if you’ve ever wondered why Boba Fett became so popular back in the day, you should check out the documentary “Under the Helmet: The Legacy of Boba Fett.”

Special Look | Under the Helmet: The Legacy of Boba Fett | Disney+

But even after watching that documentary, one mystery remains—how did Boba Fett get the Mythosaur signet on his shoulder armor?

If you don’t know what a Mythosaur is, here’s a quick rundown: they were gigantic creatures native to Mandalore, once considered some of the most fearsome beasts in the Outer Rim.

As I mentioned before, in The Mandalorian, Din Djarin was given the Mudhorn signet by the Armorer after he defeated the creature in battle. If we apply that logic to Boba Fett, it makes me wonder—did he actually defeat a Mythosaur at some point?

We already know that Boba Fett collects trophies from his victories, just like how he wears Wookiee braids on his armor. This detail was confirmed in Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #3, where Leia orders Chewbacca to take down Boba Fett. Fett responds:

You see these? Maybe they look familiar. Maybe they’re your uncles, your aunties. You’re not the first Wookiee I’ve fought. Now you know what happens when I do.

From this, we can tell that Boba Fett braids Wookiee’s hair as a trophy to show that he has fought (and defeated) Wookiees multiple times.

So what if the same applies to the Mythosaur? Instead of keeping its skull, maybe Fett chose to wear the Mythosaur signet on his shoulder as a symbol of his victory.

However, that doesn’t quite add up. Mythosaurs were believed to have gone extinct long before the Mandalorian Cataclysm, which means we’re talking about something that happened ages ago. There’s no way Boba Fett could have actually fought one in his lifetime.

But there’s another way to look at it—Boba Fett may have adopted the Mythosaur symbol out of respect for Mandalorian culture. It could simply be his way of honoring Mandalorian heritage by wearing the signet on his armor.

The Mythosaur’s Legacy in Mandalorian Culture and Why Boba Fett Wears Its Symbol

The connection between the Mandalorians and the Mythosaur goes way back, even before they made Mandalore their homeworld.

Mandalore the Great, the first person to earn the title Manda’lor, played a key role in this legend. According to ancient folklore, he defeated a Mythosaur in its lair within the Mines of Mandalore and then tamed the mighty creature.

We hear about this in The Mandalorian when Bo-Katan tells Din Djarin about the Mythosaur’s significance as the symbol of Mandalore:

According to ancient folklore, the mines were once a Mythosaur lair. Mandalore the Great is said to have tamed the mythical beast. It is from these legends that the skull signet was adopted and became the symbol of our planet.

This legend explains why the Mythosaur skull became the defining symbol of Mandalore and remains an iconic part of Mandalorian culture.

And from StarWars.fandom the site stated “Its skull was one of the traditional symbols of Mandalorian iconography, and some Mandalorian armor bore the distinctive symbol.

We can see that Bo-Katan’s right pauldron features the Mythosaur signet, just like the one on Boba Fett’s armor.

From the ideas above, we can assume that Boba Fett placed the Mythosaur symbol on his armor either to identify himself as a Mandalorian or as a tribute to his father, who was also a Mandalorian.