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Does Anybody Know What Happened to These Younglings After Order 66?

Does Anybody Know What Happened to These Younglings After Order 66?

Just another regular day on the internet—I was scrolling through Reddit, looking for cool videos or interesting discussions. But then, I stumbled across a thread asking about the fate of the younglings we saw in The Clone Wars—the ones who found their kyber crystals under Yoda’s guidance. At first, I thought I knew the answer, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized I actually didn’t. That’s when I decided to dig deeper and find out what really happened to them after Order 66.


Gungi: All Appearances in Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 2

Throughout Star Wars: The Bad Batch, we’ve seen familiar faces from The Clone Wars return, and in The Bad Batch Season 2, Episode 6, “Tribe,” we finally get confirmation that Gungi—the Wookiee Jedi youngling from The Gathering—survived Order 66.

But while it’s amazing to see him again, one big question remains: how did Gungi manage to escape the purge? Unfortunately, the episode doesn’t give us any direct answers.

That said, we can make a good guess based on what we’ve seen in Star Wars. Like Cal Kestis, who was protected by Jaro Tapal, or Kanan Jarrus, who escaped thanks to Depa Billaba’s sacrifice, Gungi likely had someone looking out for him when the clones turned on the Jedi. Someone must have helped him escape—whether it was a fellow Jedi, a clone with a conscience, or even a lucky break in the chaos of the purge.


Let’s start with Katooni, since she’s the one who appears in Yoda’s vision during The Clone Wars. We already know what happened to the younglings after they found their kyber crystals, so I won’t go into all those details—instead, let’s talk about Katooni during Order 66.

If you remember Yoda’s vision, he encounters an illusory version of Katooni, who welcomes him into a Jedi Temple where the war never happened. She asks him if the Temple isn’t beautiful, but Yoda quickly realizes it’s all an illusion and rejects it.

Now, according to StarWars Fandom, Katooni is listed as one of the younglings who survived Order 66. However, that’s not actually true. The book Star Wars Helmet Collection 31 confirms that she was inside the Jedi Temple during the Great Purge and didn’t make it out.

Here’s what the book states:

Sadly, Katooni was still at the Jedi Temple at the end of the Clone Wars and is believed to have been lost with so many others when the Temple was attacked by Darth Vader and his troopers.

So despite what some sources suggest, Katooni didn’t survive Order 66—she was among the many younglings lost during the Jedi Purge.

Petro, Zatt, and Ganodi’s Fates Could Be Just Like Katooni’s

As I mentioned earlier, Yoda’s vision on Dagobah gave him a glimpse of Order 66 in horrifying detail. In that vision, he witnessed key moments of the Jedi Purge, including Mace Windu’s duel with Darth Sidious in the Senate chamber and younglings lying lifeless on the floor of the Jedi Temple.

And if you look closely, Petro, Zatt, and Ganodi are among them. Yoda’s vision confirms that they didn’t survive the attack on the Temple—just like Katooni.

Since Yoda’s vision lined up with what actually happened in Revenge of the Sith, I think it’s safe to assume that Zatt, Petro, and Ganodi met the same fate as Katooni during the Jedi Purge.

However, there’s one youngling I didn’t see in the vision—Byph. I have no clue what happened to him.

What Happened to Byph?

If we go by Yoda’s vision, which showed the younglings’ deaths, Byph is noticeably missing from that scene when you rewatch it.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Yoda's vision of dying Ahsoka Tano & world without war [1080p]

So far, there’s no official lore or any real information about what happened to the younglings from The Gathering arc in The Clone Wars. Most of what we know comes from Yoda’s vision, but Byph is the only one we don’t see.

Maybe he met the same fate as his friends, or maybe Disney has a different story planned for him that we just haven’t seen yet—or maybe, we’ll never know.