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Even as a Padawan, Why Did Obi-Wan Sense What Qui-Gon Could Not?

Even as a Padawan, Why Did Obi-Wan Sense What Qui-Gon Could Not?

Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi were a master and apprentice duo that forged a close partnership.

They worked together on vital missions to defend the Republic.

Yet, Obi-Wan seemed to sense what Qui-Gon could not. Why was that? Read on to find out. 

Why Did Obi-Wan Sense What Qui-Gon Could Not?

Qui Gon Jinn & Obi Wan Kenobi Board The Trade Federation Flagship

The reason why Obi-Wan could sense what Qui-Gon could not may boil down to a focus on two areas of the Force that are wrapped around the present versus the future.

Some fans here pinpoint that Qui-Gon focused on the Living Force, while Kenobi was centered on the Cosmic Force. Another way to put it is that Qui-Gon concentrated on the “here and now,” whereas Obi-Wan was more future-oriented. 

Comments on this board seem to agree and indicate how Obi-Wan was “more in tune with the Unifying Force.” Across this commentary, we get a sense that the Force holds the explanation. 

This explanation makes sense when we think about how Qui-Gon engaged more with the Living Force or the energy of all life.

This aspect of the Force sprang from and flowed back to the Cosmic Force, the other half of the energy field that binds and penetrates all inhabitants of the Star Wars galaxy.

The two aspects are interlinked but focusing on one more than the other provides a philosophical tilt.

Qui-Gon Jinn is well-known for espousing a “feel, don’t think” outlook, as in this scene when Anakin was about to pod race in The Phantom Menace.

Remember, concentrate on the moment. Feel, don't think

It’s all about using one’s instincts for Qui-Gon and living in the moment. Hence, Qui-Gon may not be tapping into the bigger picture, as much as Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan’s philosophy rests with a longer view of the Force. As this video conveys, we may link it to stoicism with its inner strength and resilience.

The Stoic Jedi: Obi-Wan Kenobi's Lessons on Resilience and Virtue | Stoic Philosophy

Kenobi decided to “learn, adapt, and persevere” in a way that conjures up a long-term path with the Force. 

Obi-Wan’s portrayal in the Clone Wars series also provides insights into his philosophical bent. In “The Lawless” Episode from Season 5, Obi-Wan said to Darth Maul, “You can kill me, but you will never destroy me.”

We get a sense that Kenobi felt an eternal spirit within him and always had that longer view on his mind. 

In essence, Qui-Gon engaged more in the present happenings of the Force, while Kenobi was enveloped in macroscopic and future-oriented dimensions. 

What Else May Explain Why Kenobi Sensed What Qui-Gon Did Not?

Yet, there could be more to the explanation. To leave it as opposing views or tilting sides of the Force seems to miss something.

Ultimately, the bond between Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon “evolved into a true partnership.” In that partnership, they looked to each other for certain angles into the Force and galaxy.

The recent book Star Wars: The Living Force captures this partnership before the prequel movies. It portrays Master and Padawan working in tandem with one another.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are in unison, and hence one can focus on certain aspects of the Force while the other delves into others. 

Another explanation for Kenobi sensing some things that Qui-Gon did not is that they trusted each other to guide one another.

In this case, Qui-Gon could rely on Obi-Wan to fill in the missing pieces, while Obi-Wan looked to Qui-Gon to steer him toward the present.  

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon

Obi-Wan tended to engage in an encompassing, forward-looking embrace of the Force, while Qui-Gon veered toward the immersion in feelings of the present.

Because of their focus on those aspects of the Force, we can see why Obi-Wan could sense what Qui-Gon could not.

We may also look to their partnership and reliance on one another to explain why one may not see what the other did, but could still benefit from it. 

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