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Full Potential Anakin vs. Full Potential Luke

Full Potential Anakin vs. Full Potential Luke

This face-off has sparked controversy far and wide, with one side arguing that even at his full potential, Luke could never match up to Anakin’s full potential. 

Despite this controversy, I am here to provide evidence that Anakin, at his full potential, would indeed be stronger than Luke Skywalker at his full potential.

So, how can this be? Follow along as I delve into this question.

Full Potential Anakin

Anakin Skywalker

The prophecy of the Chosen One is a key part of Jedi lore. It predicts the arrival of a being who will bring balance to the Force. 

This being is said to be born of no father. Anakin Skywalker, born of no father and with a high midi-chlorian count, was believed to be this Chosen One.

Anakin had the potential to become the most powerful Jedi in galactic history. Even Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith, believed that Anakin would eventually surpass both himself and Grand Master Yoda in power.

In the Mortis arc of the Clone Wars series, Anakin showcased his potential power by controlling the Force gods who had imprisoned Abeloth, a formidable entity from the dark side of the Force. 

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Anakin vs. The Son & The Daughter [1080p]

This feat highlights Anakin’s potential to control and manipulate immensely powerful beings.

Despite his fall to the dark side and transformation into Darth Vader, Anakin ultimately fulfilled the prophecy in his final moments. 

He sacrificed himself to save his son, Luke Skywalker, and destroyed Emperor Palpatine, the last of the Sith. 

This act restored balance to the Force and confirmed his destiny as the Chosen One.

Besides, according to George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, Anakin was destined to be twice as powerful as the Emperor. 

And yet, it’s quite fascinating that Emperor Palpatine, also known as Sidious, holds the title of the most powerful Sith in all of Sith history.

However, his transformation into Darth Vader, which involved becoming part machine, resulted in him losing a significant portion of his potential power and humanity.

Full Potential Luke


Luke Skywalker, the son of Anakin Skywalker, inherited all of his father’s potential. His deep connection to the Force is evident in the wide range of Force powers he possesses. 

In the Legends continuity, Luke is considered one of the most powerful Force users in known history. However, in the canon continuity, his power is somewhat less than his Legends counterpart.

There are differing opinions on whether full potential Anakin would be more powerful than full potential Luke, or whether Legends Luke would be more powerful. 

Luke’s mind training helps him understand things better. When he was learning with Yoda on Dagobah, he tried to lift the X-Wing but couldn’t because he didn’t believe he could do it.

In the movie ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’, we see Luke as a Force ghost. He uses the Force to lift the X-Wing. This shows how strong Luke can be when he believes in himself.

Some fans argue that Luke’s true strength lies in his ability to win without resorting to combat. They believe that Luke embodies what Anakin could have become, had he reached his full potential.

These points highlight the potential strengths and abilities of Luke Skywalker at his full potential. 

However, it’s important to note that these are largely based on hypothetical scenarios, as neither character truly reached their full potential in the Star Wars canon.

Hypothetical Face-Off

This is the point where we determine our winner. One argument for Anakin’s superiority over Luke is based on their Midi-Chlorian counts. 

We know that Anakin’s Midi-Chlorian count is extraordinarily high, higher than any Jedi known to exist, potentially ranging from 23,000 to 27,000.

Despite this, some fans argue that Luke, being Anakin’s son, could surpass his father based on the theory that Midi-Chlorian counts dilute from generation to generation. 

However, if we follow this line of reasoning, then we must also accept the possibility that Kylo Ren, as Luke’s nephew, could surpass both Luke and Anakin.

Furthermore, Anakin’s status as the Chosen One, prophesied to bring balance to the Force, suggests that his potential power was immense. 

This prophecy, combined with his unprecedented Midi-Chlorian count, provides strong evidence for Anakin’s superior potential power.

In conclusion, while the debate is complex and multifaceted, the evidence leans towards Anakin’s superior potential power, making him the likely winner in a face-off of full potentials.