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George Lucas Does Not Like Mara Jade (SKIT)

George Lucas Does Not Like Mara Jade (SKIT)

In a funny interview set up between our greatest Star Wars director George Lucas and Robot Chicken, the fun began when one of the Robot Chicken interviewers asked, “As the creator of Mara Jade…”

Suddenly, George Lucas interrupted with a loud, “WHAT??!!” 

He then followed up with, “I am not the creator of Mara Jade and I want you to get out of this office right now.

Lucas continued, “There’s no way, no way. I don’t want you here, out.” The Robot Chicken interviewer then stood up and walked out of the office.

As the interviewer was stepping out, he asked George Lucas, and tried to hug him, but George humorously denied the hug.

This was completely a joke between George Lucas and Robot Chicken, as we can hear someone giggling in the background while George Lucas was acting.

George Lucas gets mad about Mara Jade

The skit “George Lucas Does Not Like Mara Jade” is based on a long-standing fan rumor that George Lucas wasn’t a big fan of Mara Jade from the Star Wars Expanded Universe. 

Created by Timothy Zahn, Mara Jade is a fan-favorite character known for her complex relationship with Luke Skywalker.

This skit stems from fan speculation and rumors about Lucas’s thoughts on Mara Jade. While Lucas hasn’t been openly enthusiastic about the character, he also hasn’t made many comments about her. 

According to Lucas, his vision for the Star Wars saga is primarily the story of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. 

This focus excludes many elements from the Expanded Universe (now called “Star Wars Legends”), including Mara Jade.

In an interview with Total Film, Lucas confirmed this perspective, saying, “The ‘Star Wars’ story is really the tragedy of Darth Vader. Once Vader dies, he doesn’t come back to life, the Emperor doesn’t get cloned, and Luke doesn’t get married.” 

This explains why characters like Mara Jade, who play significant roles in the Expanded Universe, don’t appear in Lucas’s original narrative.