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George Lucas Said That Leia Would’ve Been The Chosen One In His Version Of The ST. What Are Your Thoughts On This?

George Lucas Said That Leia Would’ve Been The Chosen One In His Version Of The ST. What Are Your Thoughts On This?

In the ever-expanding Star Wars universe, there’s always room for discussion, and George Lucas’ original vision for the sequel trilogy (ST) brings one of the more intriguing “what-ifs” to the table.

According to revelations in Star Wars Archives: Eps I-III: 1999-2005, Lucas planned for Leia to become the Chosen One, not just a leader of the Resistance but someone who would truly bring balance to the Force.

This, of course, is a major departure from what ended up on screen under Disney’s watch.

But what does this mean for the overarching Star Wars story?

Let’s break it down by looking at Lucas’ changing ideas, the role Leia could have played, and how this might have shifted the understanding of the Chosen One prophecy.

Lucas’ Ever-Evolving Ideas: A Creative Process in Flux

One of the biggest things to understand about George Lucas is that his ideas were never set in stone.

Over the years, he frequently changed his mind about the direction of the Star Wars saga, often reimagining key plot points.

For example, the idea of Darth Vader being Luke’s father didn’t come into play until The Empire Strikes Back, and Leia wasn’t originally written as Luke’s sister.

So, when Lucas suggested Leia as the Chosen One in his sequel trilogy, it fits within his broader pattern of making changes to suit his latest creative whims.

While it’s fascinating to hear what could have been, it’s also important to recognize that Lucas was constantly tinkering with Star Wars, and the version he was imagining at any given time might never have made it to the screen in its entirety.

He was, in many ways, a creator who liked to shoot from the hip, so it’s no surprise that this alternate version of the ST feels so different from what Disney delivered.

Leia as the Political Leader, Not the Force-Sensitive Hero

In Lucas’ original treatment, Leia would have become Supreme Chancellor, overseeing the rebuilding of the Republic.

This makes perfect sense considering Leia’s established role as a leader in the galaxy, someone who’s always been strong in both diplomacy and battle strategy.

She’s the one who stays grounded and keeps the political gears turning, even as the Skywalker men grapple with the spiritual side of things.

Where it starts to raise eyebrows is the idea that Leia would be the Chosen One.

By the end of the trilogy, Luke would’ve rebuilt much of the Jedi, and we would have the renewal of the New Republic, with Leia, Senator Organa, becoming the Supreme Chancellor in charge of everything. So she ended up being the Chosen One,” Lucas explained.

For many fans, Leia being a powerful political figure is believable, but to see her take on the metaphysical role that Anakin was said to fulfill feels like a big stretch.

Leia’s talents always seemed to lie in leadership rather than tapping into the Force as deeply as her brother Luke or father Anakin.

In this version, it seems Lucas wanted Leia to balance not just the Republic, but also the Force, which shifts her role from political hero to something much larger, perhaps too large.

Complicating the Chosen One Prophecy

Expanding the Chosen One prophecy beyond Anakin adds layers to an already complex storyline.

According to Lucas’ prequels, Anakin was the Chosen One, destined to bring balance to the Force by destroying the Sith, which he did by killing Emperor Palpatine in Return of the Jedi.

The prophecy was central to Anakin’s journey, and it gave the entire Skywalker saga its meaning. By introducing Leia as the Chosen One, this narrative becomes muddled.

Many would argue that Anakin’s story should have been the end of the Chosen One prophecy.

After all, if balance was restored when the Sith were defeated, why does the galaxy need another Chosen One?

Leia stepping into that role could undermine Anakin’s journey and the satisfying conclusion to his arc, which was supposed to bring ultimate balance.

However, it’s possible Lucas envisioned Leia’s role as less about the Force itself and more about balancing the galaxy’s political structure.

Even so, the shift away from Anakin’s fulfillment of the prophecy raises questions about whether there should even be a new Chosen One in the sequel trilogy.

Leia’s Importance Without the Prophecy

Let’s face it: Leia was already a hugely important character without needing to be labeled the Chosen One.

In the original trilogy, she was the driving force behind the Rebel Alliance, a leader, and a fighter.

She helped bring down the Empire alongside Luke and Han, and in the sequels, she continued to lead the Resistance.

Leia’s strength has always been in her leadership and her ability to unite people. Even without the prophecy, Leia’s legacy would have been secure.

Making her the Chosen One feels unnecessary because her role as a leader is powerful on its own.

Fans love her for being both tough and compassionate, a political genius who could match wits with anyone. This speaks to her strength of character, which is what truly made her stand out.

There’s also the fact that Leia didn’t need to wield a lightsaber or fully embrace the Force to be effective.

She was a different kind of hero, one who fought not through the Force but through diplomacy and resistance.

In that sense, Leia’s strength could have remained intact without needing the extra layer of the Chosen One prophecy.

Final Thoughts: Would Lucas’ Version Have Worked?

Lucas’ original ideas for Leia as the Chosen One bring up a lot of interesting possibilities, but they also complicate the Star Wars narrative in ways that might not have been necessary.

While Leia would have certainly made an amazing Supreme Chancellor, it’s debatable whether her role as the Chosen One would have enhanced her character or muddied the waters of an already complex story.

In the end, Star Wars fans are left to wonder what might have been if Lucas had continued his saga.

Leia’s ascension to the status of Chosen One is an exciting thought, but perhaps it’s for the best that her story remained grounded in the leadership and strength she had all along.

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