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Had Anakin Listened to Windu and Not Come, How Does This Play Out and What Happens Afterwards?

Had Anakin Listened to Windu and Not Come, How Does This Play Out and What Happens Afterwards?

The pivotal scene in Revenge of the Sith where Mace Windu nearly defeats Palpatine is a moment where the fate of the galaxy hangs by a thread. 

Just one more second and Mace could have ended the Sith Lord’s life, potentially saving the galaxy from the rise of the Empire. 

However, as we all know, things took a different turn. Anakin intervenes, stopping Windu, and ultimately choosing to side with Palpatine, leading to the birth of Darth Vader.

But what if things had gone differently? What if Anakin had listened to Mace Windu, staying at the temple instead of rushing to save Palpatine? Would the galaxy have been spared from the reign of the Empire? Would Anakin have remained on the path of the Jedi?

Let’s dive into this what-if scenario and explore how differently things might have played out. Without further ado, let’s see where this alternate path could have led.

Palpatine’s Death and the Fallout

What if Mace Windu Arrested Palpatine with Anakin in Revenge of the Sith? Star Wars Theory

In this alternate scenario, Mace Windu would have continued his confrontation with Palpatine. 

Having already disarmed the Sith Lord and poised to deliver the final blow, Windu likely would have killed Palpatine in the heat of battle. 

Without Anakin’s intervention, Windu’s plan to eliminate the Sith and restore balance would have succeeded. 

This victory would have been a monumental turning point for the Jedi Order, effectively putting an end to the Sith’s reign of manipulation.

With Palpatine dead, the galaxy would have been spared the immediate formation of the Galactic Empire. 

The Jedi would have quickly exposed Palpatine’s true identity as a Sith Lord, revealing that he had orchestrated both sides of the Clone Wars for his own benefit. 

This knowledge, coupled with evidence of his crimes, would have likely rallied the Senate against the remaining loyalists to Palpatine’s regime.

And what would happen if Palpatine actually died under Windu’s hand?

The Retirement of Massive Clone Troopers

If Palpatine had died at the hands of Mace Windu, the infamous Order 66 would never have been executed. 

Palpatine was the only one who had knowledge of the hidden programming embedded within the clones, making him the sole trigger for their deadly command to eliminate the Jedi. 

With his death, the clone army would have continued to serve the Republic, remaining loyal to the Jedi. 

Instead of being discarded or sidelined by the Empire, as seen in Star Wars: Rebels, the clones might have been slowly retired and demobilized after the war. 

This alternate scenario could have led to a peaceful transition where the Jedi maintained their leadership role, and the galaxy avoided the tragic fall of the Republic and the rise of the Galactic Empire.

Bail Organa as the New Chancellor

After Palpatine’s death, the Republic would have faced the challenge of finding a new leader to restore peace and stability. 

One of the most likely candidates for Chancellor would have been Bail Organa, a senator from Alderaan, and a well-respected leader known for his integrity and commitment to democracy.

Before Palpatine’s rise to power, Bail Organa played a key role in the Galactic Senate, advocating for diplomacy and peaceful resolutions to conflicts. 

During the Clone Wars, he became one of the strongest voices for maintaining the Republic’s democratic values, standing in opposition to the growing militarization of the galaxy under Palpatine’s regime. 

As a loyal ally of the Jedi Order and a close confidant of both Padmé Amidala and Mon Mothma, Bail consistently fought for peace rather than perpetuating endless war.

In the aftermath of Palpatine’s death, Bail Organa’s leadership would have likely brought a return to diplomacy and a focus on rebuilding the shattered Republic. 

His influence as Chancellor would have prioritized cooperation among star systems, likely creating a government driven by negotiation and collaboration instead of military force. 

Bail’s vision for the galaxy, shaped by his pacifist values and commitment to justice, would have set the tone for a post-war era of peace.

Not only would this have been a turning point for the Republic, but Organa’s leadership could have also fostered a stronger alliance among key figures like Padmé Amidala, Mon Mothma, and other senators who were working behind the scenes to preserve the Republic’s democratic principles. 

His leadership could have prevented the formation of the Empire and avoided the need for a Rebellion altogether.

Anakin’s Fate Without Palpatine’s Influence

Had Anakin listened to Mace Windu and stayed at the Jedi Temple, his path could have diverged dramatically. 

Without Palpatine whispering in his ear, offering forbidden powers to save Padmé, Anakin might have been spared from the catastrophic choices that led to his transformation into Darth Vader. 

However, in this alternate timeline, Padmé survives childbirth despite the stress and strain of the war. With Anakin by her side, offering his support and love, Padmé’s strength and determination see her through the difficult period.

In the film, Padmé lost her life due to Anakin’s turn to the dark side and her subsequent heartbreak. 

However, if Palpatine had not been present to influence Anakin and direct him to Mustafar, we wouldn’t have seen the Force choke scene, right? 

Without Anakin’s descent into darkness, Padmé wouldn’t lose her will to live. If Anakin had remained on the light side, Padmé might have avoided the heartbreak and retained her will to live.

In this alternate timeline, Padmé survives, and Anakin remains loyal to the Jedi, avoiding the dark side’s corrupting influence. 

With Padmé by his side, Anakin channels his energy into protecting and raising their children, Luke and Leia. 

This version of Anakin, still loyal to the Jedi and supported by Padmé, faces the enormous task of balancing his duties as a Jedi Knight with his role as a husband and father.

Despite his immense power and combat skills, Anakin still faces new challenges as a father. His emotional volatility, a trait that once tempted him toward the dark side, could present difficulties in his parenting journey. 

However, with Padmé’s support and the wisdom of the Jedi Council, Anakin works to overcome these challenges and find the balance between his love for his family and his duty to the Order.


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