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How Were Anakin and Obi-Wan Planning To Rescue Chancellor Palpatine if Each of Their Ships Only Had One Seat?

How Were Anakin and Obi-Wan Planning To Rescue Chancellor Palpatine if Each of Their Ships Only Had One Seat?

In Revenge of the Sith, Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi go off to rescue Chancellor Palpatine from General Grievous and Count Dooku.

Only one problem, they both fly off in one-person starfighters.

So, how were they planning to rescue him if each of their ships only had one seat?

They may have had a plan for alternate transportation or expected some help after they rescued Palpatine.

The ETa-2 Starfighter and Rescue of Chancellor Palpatine

As the Clone Wars proceeded, the Jedi shifted to the Eta-2 Starfighter which was smaller than its predecessor, the Delta-7.

The Eta-2 had better firepower, and Anakin and Obi-Wan flew them in the Battle of Coruscant.

As this video reveals, these interceptor ships were more maneuverable, equipped with twin laser and ion cannons, and had a design that was later used for Tie Fighters. 

JEDI ETA 2 Interceptor from Revenge of the Sith | Star Wars Explained #Shorts

One drawback was that the Eta-2 only had one seat. At least, the one seat became an issue when it came to rescuing Palpatine.

During the Battle of Coruscant against the Separatists, the Chancellor was kidnapped by General Grievous and Count Dooku, most likely as part of Palpatine’s plan to take over the Republic and bring about the Empire. 

At the beginning of Revenge of the Sith, we see Anakin and Obi-Wan flying their ships through the battle on a mission to rescue Palpatine from General Grievous’s ship.

After handling waves of spider droids, the two Jedi crash land in a hangar and spring out with their lightsabers to take out awaiting battle droids.

Assuming their ships were intact, what was their plan from there?

[1080p] Anakin & Obi Wan Are Dispatched To Rescue Chancellor Palpatine - Revenge of the Sith

How Were They Going to Rescue Palpatine?

Fan responses include using escape pods, improvising some plan since they had no time to formulate one, calling on the Venator for help, and having the Chancellor sit on their lap.

Others contend that Anakin and Obi-Wan were probably planning on using one of the shuttles in the hangar on Grievous’s ship, and Obi-Wan does mention that escape pods should be available. 

These suggestions about using one of the escape pods or shuttles seem like the most likely explanation.

As we can see from the escape scene, Anakin states how “all the escape pods” had been launched, meaning that they probably planned to use one. So, they resorted to flying the ship and a crashing landing. 

Obi-Wan & Anakin "Another Happy Landing" Scene | Star Wars Revenge of the Sith 2005 Movie Clip HD 4K

Grievous’s ship, the Invisible Hand, was well-equipped before it was damaged in the battle and the viewport shattered by Grievous.

In addition to its powerful weaponry, the Invisible Hand had “two lines of escape pods” that were accessible from the bridge and located on the starboard and port sides.

The “aftward spire” also contained a set of pods for those who were in the tower. 

Between the two options, then, Anakin and Obi-Wan were probably planning on using the escape pods to rescue Palpatine.

What Else Could They Have Planned?

On the other hand, Obi-Wan and Anakin may not have thought it all the way through. How could they?

Neither expected that Anakin would behead Count Dooku nor did they expect to be captured and brought before General Grievous on the bridge of the Invisible Hand.

Perhaps, they were making it up as they went along.

If so, perhaps they planned on taking over the ship and bringing it in for a softer landing.

Or, better still, they have planned or hoped to get help from other Jedi or clone troopers.

As Obi-Wan says in The Clone Wars series, the Jedi Shaak Ti had been sent to protect Palpatine and Mace Windu had been in contact with her before Anakin and Obi-Wan went on their mission.

Other Jedi were already involved, and Obi-Wan and Anakin may have figured they would come to their aid. 

Anakin And Obi Wan Are Leaving To Rescue The Chancellor Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 7 Episode 9

Season 3 of The Clone Wars reveals the lead-up to Palpatine’s kidnapping.

As Yoda and Mace Windu battle the invading droid army, Windu realizes the plot and comes to intervene.

Meanwhile, Shaak Ti battles against MagnaGuards to protect the Chancellor, and Jedi Foul Moudama and Roron Corobb get Palpatine to a bunker.

Yet, General Grievous is waiting for them, kills both, and disarms and subdues Shaak Ti. 

Mace Windu’s ship is also shot down before he fights with and injures Grievous, who then makes off with Palpatine.

Shaak Ti and Mace Windu recovered, though, and could have come to help Obi-Wan and Anakin soon thereafter. 

Some fan forums discuss whether Mace Windu should have been sent in the first place.

This reflects how since he was already involved with protecting the Chancellor and perhaps the strongest Jedi, he could have done it. It would also make sense that he could come to help Obi-Wan and Anakin after they went to the rescue. 

We also saw clone troopers flying and fighting in the Battle of Coruscant. They were quite busy but may have also come to the rescue.

The 501st Clone Legion was probably engaged in the ground battle and could have been part of the plan to rescue the Chancellor.

Maybe Obi-Wan and Anakin were planning or hoping that Captain Rex would bail them out.

The Plan to Rescue Palpatine

As they flew off in their single-seat starfighters, Anakin and Obi-Wan may have been planning to use escape pods to complete their rescue of Chancellor Palpatine.

That seems like the most likely scenario. Yet, they may have also been planning on support from other Jedi like Mace Windu or clone trooper support to complete the mission.