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I Personally Think Embo Is the Coolest Bounty Hunter

I Personally Think Embo Is the Coolest Bounty Hunter

Whenever people talk about the coolest bounty hunters in Star Wars, names like Boba Fett and Cad Bane usually dominate the conversation.

And sure, they’re iconic for a reason, but there’s one bounty hunter that, in my opinion, stands above the rest: Embo.

If you’re a fan of The Clone Wars, you’ll know exactly who I’m talking about.

Embo is an underrated, complex, and downright fascinating character, and here’s why I think he deserves the title of the coolest bounty hunter in the galaxy.

Embo’s Hat: The Ultimate Multi-Tool

Let’s start with Embo’s most iconic feature, his wide-rimmed circular hat. Sure, it looks cool, but it’s so much more than just headwear.

Embo uses it as a shield, deflecting blaster bolts like Captain America’s shield, and even throws it at enemies as a weapon.

Star Wars' Coolest Hat - The Story of Embo

Need to escape down a snowy mountain? No problem – Embo uses his hat as a sled. This level of versatility is not something you see every day, even in a galaxy far, far away.

The creativity and skill he shows with just this one piece of equipment set him apart from the more tech-reliant bounty hunters like Cad Bane or Jango Fett.

For Embo, it’s all about skill and resourcefulness.

Surviving Battles Against Jedi and Sith

Another reason Embo is the coolest bounty hunter? He’s gone toe-to-toe with Jedi and Sith, and lived to tell the tale.

This isn’t just about surviving random skirmishes, Embo has faced off against some of the most dangerous characters in the galaxy, including Anakin Skywalker and Savage Opress.

He fought Anakin while sledding down a mountain on his hat (yes, again with the hat!), holding his own against one of the most powerful Jedi.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Anakin Skywalker vs. Embo (Bounty Hunter) [1080p]

Even though he’s not Force-sensitive, his combat skills are so impressive that he can stand up to both Jedi and Sith. That’s not something many bounty hunters can claim.

His Underappreciated Crossbow Skills

Embo may be underrated, but his skills with a bowcaster (a weapon usually associated with Wookiees) are hard to ignore.

In fact, he wields it with such ease that at one point, he’s seen shooting it with one hand.

Not only does this show off his incredible strength, but it also highlights his precision and marksmanship.

Most bounty hunters rely on blasters or fancy gadgets, but Embo goes for a more traditional, hands-on approach with his weapon of choice.

And let’s not forget, using a Wookiee bowcaster effectively isn’t exactly an easy task!

Embo’s Dog, Marrok: The Trusty Companion

What’s cooler than a bounty hunter with a dog? Embo’s pet anooba, Marrok, is his loyal companion throughout many of his missions.

Marrok adds a layer of depth to Embo’s character, showing that even in the dangerous world of bounty hunting, he’s capable of loyalty and companionship.

This bond between the two makes him more relatable and likable. Plus, having a fierce and loyal dog by your side just makes you automatically cooler, right?

All fight scenes of Embo...and his dog

Voiced by Dave Filoni

As if Embo wasn’t already cool enough, he’s voiced by none other than Dave Filoni, the mastermind behind The Clone Wars.

This little detail gives him an extra layer of fandom love.

Filoni is known for his deep understanding of Star Wars, and by giving Embo his voice, it feels like the character carries a bit of that creator’s magic.

Embo(Voice of Dave Filoni) Best Moments In Star Wars The Clone Wars - FULL HD

A Morally Ambiguous Character

What makes Embo stand out among bounty hunters is his moral ambiguity.

He isn’t strictly good or evil, he takes jobs as they come, whether it’s defending farmers on Felucia or working for the Hutt Clan.

His adaptability makes him an intriguing character. He’s not bound by the usual moral codes; he’s driven by survival and the desire to get paid, which makes him unpredictable.

One day, he’s helping the Jedi; the next, he’s working for the Sith. This kind of moral flexibility is part of what makes bounty hunters interesting, and Embo embodies that perfectly.

Embo Can Hold His Own Among Other Legendary Bounty Hunters

Embo is often seen alongside other legendary bounty hunters like Boba Fett and Bossk in the group known as Krayt’s Claw.

Despite these heavy hitters being part of his team, Embo still manages to stand out.

He’s often considered second only to Cad Bane, which is high praise in a galaxy filled with skilled mercenaries.

Even Cad Bane himself respected Embo’s abilities. While Boba Fett may have the Mandalorian armor and Cad Bane the cool gadgets, Embo has sheer skill and resourcefulness on his side.

Final Thoughts

Embo might not have the fame of Boba Fett or the gadgets of Cad Bane, but his skill, resourcefulness, and sheer coolness make him, in my opinion, the coolest bounty hunter in the Star Wars universe.

Whether it’s his iconic hat, his loyal dog Marrok, or his ability to survive fights against some of the galaxy’s most dangerous beings, Embo has everything a Star Wars fan could want in a bounty hunter.

Here’s hoping we get to see more of him in future Star Wars projects because, let’s face it, the galaxy needs more Embo!

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