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I’m Probably Way Late to the Game, but I Just Noticed That Rey Appears to Be Deflecting Blaster Bolts With Her Hands Here

I’m Probably Way Late to the Game, but I Just Noticed That Rey Appears to Be Deflecting Blaster Bolts With Her Hands Here

Deflecting blaster bolts is an iconic aspect of the Star Wars universe. 

We see this multiple times, such as when the Jedi use their lightsabers to deflect blaster bolts from droids or defend against Clone Troopers during Order 66. 

However, lightsabers are just one way to deflect blaster bolts. If you’ve watched the sequels and believe Rey’s ability to do so is unique, you might be missing out on some fascinating moments. 

Here are instances where Force wielders deflect blaster bolts using the Force itself. 

Without further ado…

Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back

Dinner With Vader 1080p

The first ever scene where we get to see blaster bolts being deflected is by our supreme dark lord, Darth Vader. 

During the dinner scene in Cloud City, Han Solo, Leia Organa, and Chewbacca are led into a room where they are unexpectedly confronted by Darth Vader. 

The atmosphere is tense and charged with anticipation. As soon as Han sees Vader, his instinct is to protect his friends. 

Without hesitation, Han draws his blaster and fires directly at Vader.

In a display of sheer dominance and control, Vader effortlessly raises his hand and stops the blaster bolts in mid-air. 

The bolts, suspended in front of him, shimmer with energy, creating a dramatic visual effect that underscores the power of the Force. 

After deflecting four blaster bolts in a row, Vader then quickly uses the Force to disarm Han Solo, pulling the blaster from his hand with a casual flick of his wrist.

Yoda in Attack of the Clones

Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones - Yoda VS Count Dooku - 4K ULTRA HD.

Another memorable instance of a formidable character using the Force to deflect an attack involves not just a blaster bolt, but something even more powerful: Force Lightning. 

Do you remember the scene where Count Dooku has just defeated Obi-Wan and Anakin on Geonosis? 

Following this, Master Yoda arrives to confront Dooku. The first thing Count Dooku does to his old master is unleash Force Lightning.

Master Yoda, demonstrating his profound connection to the Force, quickly uses the Force to absorb and deflect the Force Lightning from Dooku. 

This technique, known as Force Deflection, showcases Yoda’s incredible mastery and control. 

Yoda not only deflects the Force Lightning away but also manages to redirect it back towards Dooku.

Kylo Ren in The Force Awakens

Kylo Ren First meet Poe Dameron : You talk first or I talk first

So if you have noticed what Rey has done using the Force in the sequel trilogy, such as deflecting blaster bolts or using Force Lightning, you’ll see she’s not alone in showcasing such power. 

Kylo Ren also demonstrates his ability to manipulate blaster bolts with the Force.

In the opening sequence of The Force Awakens, Kylo Ren makes a dramatic entrance on the desert planet of Jakku. 

As the First Order storms the village, Poe Dameron, a skilled pilot and member of the Resistance, attempts to fight back. In a desperate move, Poe fires his blaster at Kylo Ren.

In an impressive display of raw power and control, Kylo Ren uses the Force to freeze the blaster bolt in mid-air. 

The bolt hangs suspended, crackling with energy, as Kylo calmly walks past it to confront Poe. This moment is striking not only for its visual impact but also for what it reveals about Kylo Ren’s abilities. 

Freezing a blaster bolt in mid-air requires immense concentration and mastery of the Force, showcasing Kylo’s formidable strength.

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