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In a Universe Where Everything Levitates, Anakin Carrying These Suitcases Always Just Seemed Out of Place

In a Universe Where Everything Levitates, Anakin Carrying These Suitcases Always Just Seemed Out of Place

If there’s one thing Star Wars fans love, it’s noticing small, quirky details that make them scratch their heads and laugh.

One such moment comes in Attack of the Clones, where Anakin Skywalker the powerful Jedi Knight and master of the Force is seen doing something rather… ordinary.

He’s carrying suitcases. Yes, you read that right.

In a universe where droids can fly, ships zip through hyperspace, and items frequently levitate, Anakin is stuck hauling luggage like it’s a family vacation at the airport.

Anakin’s Maiden Solo Mission

Star Wars Attack of the clones~ Padme arrives on Naboo

The scene where Padmé and Anakin travel to Naboo occurs after an assassination attempt on Padmé’s life. 

The Jedi Council decides that she needs to go into hiding for her safety, and Anakin is assigned to protect her. Naboo is chosen as their refuge due to its peaceful and remote nature. 

For Anakin, this is his first solo mission, tasked with protecting Senator Padmé Amidala. 

The Jedi Council assigns Anakin to accompany Padmé to her home planet of Naboo, where she can be kept safe from further threats.

This mission is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it highlights the growing trust the Jedi Council places in Anakin’s abilities, despite his impulsive nature and struggles with his emotions. 

It also serves as a test of his maturity and judgment, as he must navigate the complexities of protecting Padmé while adhering to the Jedi Code. 

However, the moment Anakin carries Padmé’s luggage without using any kind of help, such as a luggage hover or even the Force, has its own unique meaning. 

After understanding she is the target of the assassination, Padmé, like anyone in that circumstance, would naturally feel afraid. Anakin likely understands Padmé’s worry and wants to calm her down. 

He tries to reassure her by sharing his emotions. 

When Padmé says, “Suddenly I’m afraid,” Anakin replies, “This is my first assignment on my own, I am too. Don’t worry, we have R2 with us.”

As some fans speculate that Anakin and Padmé were traveling incognito, which explains the absence of hover suitcases. By choosing to travel as commoners, they aimed to blend in with the general populace and avoid drawing any unnecessary attention. 

This meant forgoing the luxury of hover suitcases, which would have been a clear indicator of their high status and could have compromised their cover. 

Instead, they opted for traditional luggage, a choice that not only helped them stay under the radar but also added a layer of authenticity to their disguise. 

This decision underscores the seriousness of their mission and the lengths they were willing to go to ensure Padmé’s safety. 

Traveling as commoners not only helped them maintain a low profile but also demonstrated their commitment to the mission’s success, highlighting the strategic thinking behind their actions during such a critical time.

Anakin, The Most Powerful Luggage Carrier

But let’s take a funny look at this situation. After battling droids, piloting speeders, and having a literal robot companion like R2-D2 by his side, Anakin Skywalker still ends up hauling suitcases—like he’s just another regular traveler.

The humor here lies in the fact that Star Wars is a universe brimming with futuristic technology. 

They have droids, ships that can travel at lightspeed, and hover tech for everything, but Anakin, with all his extraordinary Force abilities, doesn’t even think to use the Force to float those bags. 

He could easily make those suitcases glide behind him like a parade of obedient luggage! No sweat, right?

Yet here we are, watching him lug them around by hand like he’s on a weekend getaway. Maybe the Jedi Order skipped the lesson on “Efficient Luggage Handling with the Force.” 

After all, who needs floating bags when you can prove you’re capable of a little heavy lifting, right?

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