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Why Would the Rebellion Put Their Best Pilot (Wedge Antilles) in a Gunner Position in Episode 9?

Why Would the Rebellion Put Their Best Pilot (Wedge Antilles) in a Gunner Position in Episode 9?

In Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker, we see Wedge Antilles, the legendary Rebel pilot from the original trilogy, return to the big screen. 

Fans of the Star Wars original trilogy will instantly recognize him as one of the Rebellion’s most skilled and loyal pilots, known for surviving both Death Star battles and leading squadrons to victory. 

So, why is he, of all people, manning the Falcon’s turret rather than leading an X-Wing squadron in the final battle? 

Let’s explore this surprising choice and what it might say about his role in the Resistance’s fight against the First Order.

Age and Retirement

By the time The Rise of Skywalker happens, we have to remember that Wedge Antilles would be around 70 years old based on the Star Wars timeline.

Wedge was born in 21 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin), which means that by the time the Battle of Endor took place in Return of the Jedi (4 ABY), Wedge would have been 25 years old.

Since The Rise of Skywalker takes place in 35 ABY—31 years after Return of the Jedi—if we do the math, Wedge would be around 70 by the time of Episode IX.

At this age, it makes sense that he wouldn’t be on the front lines, leading squadrons in the fast-paced X-Wing battles. 

Instead, he could provide critical support as a gunner, contributing his experience and wisdom without needing the same reflexes or physical stamina required of younger pilots. 

Putting Wedge in the Falcon Was the Right Call for the Battle of Exegol 

Invasion of Exegol (4K) Star Wars Rise of Skywalker

The Battle of Exegol was easily one of the most intense moments in Star Wars history. We saw the Resistance throw everything they had into the fight—ships from all across the galaxy, from freighters to starfighters, even civilian vessels, all coming together with one goal: take down the Sith fleet before it could spread terror across the galaxy.

Poe led the charge in the skies while Finn and his team fought to disable the fleet’s navigation tower, the key to keeping those Star Destroyers trapped in Exegol’s stormy atmosphere. And just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Lando arrived with the Citizens’ Fleet, a massive force that turned the tide of the battle. Seeing thousands of ships coming in at once was the kind of moment that gives us chills every time we watch it.

But let’s be real—none of that would’ve mattered if Palpatine hadn’t been stopped. His massive Force lightning blast nearly wiped out the entire fleet in one strike. Even Wedge Antilles, an actual legend, couldn’t do much from the Falcon’s gunner seat when the Emperor was unleashing that kind of power.

In the end, it wasn’t just about tactics or firepower. It took Rey, backed by the strength of the Jedi before her, to finally bring down Palpatine. And when the dust settled, the Resistance stood victorious—not just because of strategy, but because they never gave up, no matter how impossible the fight seemed.

Having Wedge in the fight was just the icing on the cake. His experience, his grit—he was exactly where he needed to be.

The Real Reason Why Wedge Antilles Is Part of The Millenium Falcon

How Denis Lawson (Wedge) Returned To Star Wars

Behind the scenes, there’s another explanation for Wedge’s appearance in this specific role. 

Dennis Lawson, the actor who plays Wedge Antilles, originally expressed that he only wanted to return to Star Wars if it was for a significant role. 

This reluctance kept him out of The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi

However, at Star Wars Celebration Chicago, Lawson was reportedly surprised by how much the fans appreciated his character and contributions, which changed his mind.

By the time Lawson agreed to appear in The Rise of Skywalker, the filmmakers were likely short on time to integrate Wedge into a major flying sequence, which would have required him to be in full pilot gear, in a cockpit, with possibly more action scenes. 

Given these constraints, having him as a gunner on the Falcon allowed for his last-minute cameo while paying homage to his history without the need for a full-blown return to fighter piloting.

In the context of the movie’s universe, Wedge’s appearance as a gunner can be explained by the urgency of the situation. 

With the Resistance stretched thin and Wedge likely pulled out of retirement, there might not have been an X-Wing readily available for him to fly. 

So, he joined the fight in any capacity he could, helping out where he was needed, which happened to be as a gunner on the Falcon.

The New Generation of Rebel Pilots

By the events of The Rise of Skywalker, the Resistance had fully embraced a new generation of heroes, with fresh pilots leading the charge. 

The era of relying solely on veterans like Wedge Antilles had passed, as skilled individuals like Poe Dameron took center stage.

The Arrival Of The Resistance - 4K Ultra HD - Star Wars: The Force Awakens

One of the best showcases of this shift in leadership is the breathtaking moment when the Resistance, led by Poe, arrives in their X-Wings to rescue Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Finn. 

This scene is a prime example of Poe’s unmatched skill as a pilot and his ability to command in critical situations.

Poe’s prowess in the cockpit is a defining trait throughout the sequel trilogy, and he’s often referred to as the Resistance’s finest pilot. 

His daring actions, from destroying Starkiller Base to orchestrating critical strikes against the First Order, highlight not only his bravery but also his ability to make split-second decisions under intense pressure. 

In many ways, he represents the best of what this new generation of pilots has to offer.

Star Wars The Last Jedi: Poe Vs First Order Fleet Part 1

Alongside Poe, other skilled pilots like Snap Wexley also played important roles in keeping the Resistance alive. 

Though not as widely recognized as Wedge, these new heroes proved instrumental in the fight for freedom. 

With such a talented group at the helm, it made sense for Wedge to take a backseat, knowing that the future of the galaxy was in good hands.”