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In Return Of The Jedi, A Deleted Scene Had Luke Surrendering His Lightsaber To Vader During Their Duel.

In Return Of The Jedi, A Deleted Scene Had Luke Surrendering His Lightsaber To Vader During Their Duel.

There’s always something new to discover in Star Wars, and one of the lesser-known details is a deleted scene from Return of the Jedi where Luke Skywalker lost his lightsaber to Darth Vader after falling under the platform during their intense duel.

It’s a scene that could have shifted the dynamic between the two characters and added even more layers to Luke’s internal conflict.

While this scene didn’t make it into the final cut, some traces of it still remain, and fans have long speculated about what it would have meant for the story.

What Happened in the Deleted Scene?

In the original Return of the Jedi novelization by James Kahn, there’s a moment where Luke, hiding from Vader under the platform during their duel on the second Death Star, rolls his lightsaber away and surrenders it to Vader after he learns that Vader is his biological father.

This would’ve been a powerful moment, highlighting Luke’s internal struggle between resisting the dark side and trying to stand firm in his commitment not to fight.

Vader picks up Luke’s lightsaber, briefly unsure if it’s a trick or a true surrender.

Although this scene was cut from the final film, it’s not completely lost.

In one shot, you can actually see Vader holding Luke’s green lightsaber. It’s just a fleeting moment, but it’s enough to hint at what could’ve been had the scene been left intact.

This detail might go unnoticed without the deleted scene in mind, but knowing it adds a layer of depth to that brief moment.

Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader (Whole Fight)

How Does Luke Get His Lightsaber Back?

Now, you might be wondering if Luke surrenders his lightsaber, how does he get it back?

In the final cut of the film, when Luke emerges from hiding and ignites his lightsaber while shouting “Never!” before launching into a ferocious attack on Vader, it seems like he simply has the lightsaber again with no explanation.

The idea is that in the original sequence, he would’ve used the Force to snatch the saber from Vader’s grip.

This helps explain why that moment feels a bit “off” in the film.

Luke’s sudden reappearance with the lightsaber seems abrupt, and without this context, viewers are left to assume it was just part of the fast-paced battle.

But with the deleted scene in mind, it makes more sense that there was a specific moment where Luke reclaimed his weapon before his final showdown with Vader.

Was the Cut a Good Decision?

This brings us to a fascinating question: how would the scene have changed the film? Some fans argue that leaving the scene out works better for Luke’s arc.

After all, his journey is about resisting the dark side, and having him surrender the weapon only to take it back again could feel inconsistent.

In the version we got, Luke refuses to strike Vader in anger until he’s pushed to the edge when Vader threatens Leia, which makes his eventual decision to throw away the lightsaber at the Emperor’s feet even more powerful.

On the other hand, the deleted scene would have added to Luke’s internal struggle.

Surrendering the lightsaber could symbolize his effort to avoid conflict and resist violence altogether, even against Vader.

It paints a picture of someone trying to stay true to their values, only to be pulled back into the fight because of the overwhelming emotional weight of the situation.

Either way, the scene’s removal didn’t disrupt the flow of the movie, but knowing about it opens up a new perspective on Luke’s mindset during the duel.

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