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Inside Ben Kenobi’s Hut

Inside Ben Kenobi’s Hut

Greetings, Star Wars enthusiasts! You’ve journeyed through galaxies with Obi-Wan Kenobi, witnessed his valor, and felt the tremors of the Jedi Order’s fall.

But have you ever paused to ponder about the refuge he found in the desolate landscapes of Tatooine? The humble hut that became his sanctuary and watchtower?

Join me as we cross the threshold of Ben Kenobi’s hut, delve into its intriguing features, and unravel the tale of how this abandoned dwelling became a beacon of hope for Obi-Wan.

Are you ready to uncover the secrets of this Tatooine hideout? Let the adventure begin!

How Obi-Wan Found His Exile Home

After the fall of the Jedi Order, Obi-Wan Kenobi, once a revered Jedi Knight, found himself a nomad in the vast expanse of the Star Wars universe. 

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Selecting Tatooine as his hideout, Obi-Wan wasn’t just seeking refuge from the Empire’s pursuit, but also assuming the role of a guardian in exile. 

Ben Kenobi's house


Without a place to call home, he roamed the desolate landscapes near the Lars homestead, where he discovered an abandoned hut.

This location was strategically perfect – close enough to the Lars’ farm for Obi-Wan to keep a vigilant watch over Luke Skywalker. 

Over the years, this forsaken hut became Obi-Wan’s sanctuary. In his solitary existence, he patiently awaited the day when Luke would seek his wisdom and guidance.

Inside the Walls of Ben Kenobi’s Tatooine Hideout

Main Room

Main Room

1. Found artefacts from Tatooine pre-history

2. Jerba-skin rug

3. Vacuum- seal chest contains Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber, which Obi-Wan had been waiting to give to Luke

4. Plasteel door

5. Jedi robe resembles simple clothing worn by species throughout galaxy

6. Ritual bladed weapons taken from Sand People

7. Refresher station

8. Coolth pump

9. Stove provides warmth

10. Typical Tatooine pourstone roof dome

11. Inefficient cooling unit installed by original settler occupier

12. Coolth dispersed into room below

Ben Kenobi's house

1. Ventilation chimney

2. Low-output moisture vaporator

3. Grapple and antique rifle

4. Hidden trap door to cellar


Ben Kenobi's house

1. Water cistem

2. Fruits, vegetables and meat hung to dry in pantry

3. Luminescent stone provides scant and eerie light

4. Backpack contains survival gear and emergency rations

5. Starship acceleration chair serves as workroom swivel

6. Workbench constructed from pieces of scrap metal

7. Key-pad safe box contains Kenobi’s journal, with instructions for building a lightsaber

8. Heater for cold desert nights

9. Auxiliary generator

10. Stairs hewn from bedrock

11. Bottles of cactus pulque

And that are 27 fascinating details that I believe will captivate every Star Wars fan like us. 

For a more comprehensive view, refer to the complete image of Ben Kenobi’s Hut in the Star Wars Visual Dictionary.

Ben Kenobi's hut



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