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Unlocking Jabba’s Throne Room: 35+ Secrets You’ll Geek Out Over

Unlocking Jabba’s Throne Room: 35+ Secrets You’ll Geek Out Over

In today’s article, we’re diving into the fascinating details of Jabba’s Palace. 

Don’t worry, this won’t be a long, text-heavy read—I’ve included plenty of images to highlight the main details.

We’ll explore the interior of Jabba’s palace, all the way down to his infamous throne room.

So, let’s get started!

Alkhara’s Tower

We will begin with Alkhara’s tower

1. Communications dome

2. Hyperwave transceiver keeps Jabba in contact with gangland skulduggery throughout galaxy

3. Surveillance equipment

4. Alkhara refurbished the tower and gave his name to it

5. Holographic map projector

6. Observation deck

7. Spiral stairway used by B`omarr monks for meditative wandering

8. Power facility.

Jabba’s Palace

1. Weapons emplacements

2. Jabba reinforced the original cupola with ditanium and added reflective shielding

3. Hydroponics area produces genetically altered treats for Jabba

4. Cooling vanes and moisture convertor line interior of curved roof

5. Areas undergoing restoration

6. Former maintenance rooms taken over by Jawas

7. Air- circulation wheel

8. Prayer flags connected to rotating spoked wheel help circulate cool air

9. B’omarr ceremonial concourse

10. Main entry portcullis

11. Mechanical droids legs carry brain of enlightened B’omarr in nutrient jar

12. Dissipation grid works with deflector shields to absorb and dispose of energy from enemy fire

13. Anteroom’s doors lead to guest rooms and guard quarters

14. Meditations cells for enlightened B’omarrs.

1. Workshops and animal pens

2. Sandstorm warning beacon

3. Ventilator

4. Sail barge hangar watch tower

5. Firing holes

6. Sail barge hangar door

7. Polished-stone floor

8. The roadway leads circuitously to Mos Eisley (also up-ramp for swoops)

9. Jabba’s Ubrikkian luxury sail barge, Khetanna

10. Skiff patrol palace grounds, shift spice shipments from smuggler ships, and transport sentenced prisoners to the Pit of Carkoon.

1. Sacrificial pit into which brainless bodies of enlightened B’omarr monks were thrown

2. Jabba’s suite

3. Jabba’s lift to private rooms and sailbarge hangar

4. Han in carbonite

5. Throne room

6. Rooms for Jabba’s guests

7. Stairway to throne room

8. High-quality spice cultivated underground

9. Earliest portion of monastery complex

10. B’omarr lecture hall was once adorned with tapestries and frescoes

11. Looter’s tunnel

12. Ground-level sensor

13. Triple doors protect chamber containing precious B’omarr regeneration gems

That’s what you’ll find inside the palace. Take a look at the image below for a full view of the entire place!

Jabba’ Throne Room

Now that we’ve explored what’s inside Jabba’s palace, we can’t miss out on the Throne Room—where some of the most iconic moments in Return of the Jedi unfolded.

Remember the tense standoff when Luke Skywalker boldly confronted Jabba, demanding the release of Han Solo? That all went down right here.

And of course, it’s also where Jabba, with a flick of a switch, sent Luke plummeting into the Rancor pit, setting the stage for one of the film’s most thrilling and resourceful battles.

Luke Skywalker Vs Jabbas' Rancor

1. Stairway to entry

2. Back stairway

3. Nar Shaddaa wind chimes

4. Winch raise security door

5. J’Quille, former lover of Jabba’s rival, Lady Valarian

6. Chewbacca and Boushh (Leia Organa)

7. Trap door to rancor pit

8. Lando Calrissian, disguised as skiff guard Tamtel Skreej

9. Private backstage loft for band

10. To droid lift

11. Power drum sports false skins

12. Han Solo encased in carbonite

13. Klatooinian drummer, Umpass-Stay

14. Jabba’s private elevator

15. Double-headed Cane Adiss

16. Elevator power supply

17. Chevin mercenary Ephant Mon owes his lift to Jabba

18. Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk

19. Boba Fett

20. Jabba Desilijie Tiure

21. C-3PO pressed into service as Jabba’s translator

22. Viewing grille to Rancor pit below

1. Decesaesd B’omarr brains stored in wall niches of tomb

2. Malakili’s sleeping quarters

3. Rancor handler Malakili, former besat wrangler for the Circus Horrificus

4. Staircase between throne room and detention dungeon

5. Luke Skywalker

6. Hapless Gamorrean guard, Jubnuk

7. Rancor, a gift for Jabba from high-ranking henchman

8. Stove

9. Corridor to guard dormitories

10. Obsolete pit droid

11. Chef Porcellus

12. Refresher unite

13. Guard’s quarter divided by curtain to reduce fumes from ancient stove.

Here’s a complete view of Jabba’s throne room, packed with more detailed insights.