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Is There A Reason Mace Windu Didn’t Immediately Contact Yoda After He Found Out That The Chancellor Was A Sith?

Is There A Reason Mace Windu Didn’t Immediately Contact Yoda After He Found Out That The Chancellor Was A Sith?

When Anakin told Mace Windu that Palpatine was the Sith Lord they’d been hunting, you’d think the first thing Mace would do is call Yoda, right?

I mean, this is huge news, and Yoda is the guy to handle something like this. But Mace didn’t go that route, and there are actually some good reasons for it.

Let’s get into why Mace made the choices he did and why reaching out to Yoda wasn’t at the top of his list.

Yoda’s Location and the Need for Speed

First off, Yoda wasn’t exactly around the corner. He was on Kashyyyk, leading the Republic’s efforts to assist the Wookiees in their fight against the Separatists.

Star Wars - Revenge of the Sith - Battle of Kashyyyk

This wasn’t a situation where Yoda could drop everything and zip over to Coruscant.

Depending on the exact location, it could take hours or even days for Yoda to return, assuming he could leave the battlefield at all.

Meanwhile, Mace knew time was ticking, and Palpatine needed to be dealt with immediately before he could further manipulate the political situation or disappear altogether.

In Mace’s mind, every second counted.

Contacting Yoda might have cost precious time, time Palpatine could use to fortify his position or plan an escape.

So, Mace decided it was time to act, fast and decisively.

Confidence in the Jedi Masters’ Strength and Mace’s Decisiveness

Mace wasn’t acting recklessly when he decided to confront Palpatine. He didn’t go in alone – he brought three of the Jedi Order’s best fighters: Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin, and Agen Kolar.

These were highly respected Jedi Masters, warriors that Mace had full confidence in.

Given their previous encounters with Sith like Darth Maul and Count Dooku, who were ultimately defeated by Jedi Knights like Obi-Wan and Anakin, Mace probably believed that four experienced Jedi Masters would easily handle one Sith Lord.

However, what Mace didn’t fully anticipate was the true extent of Palpatine’s power.

The Jedi hadn’t faced a Sith Lord of Palpatine’s caliber in a thousand years. While Maul and Dooku were powerful, Palpatine was on an entirely different level.

In their overconfidence, the Jedi underestimated the real threat.

But it’s important to remember that Mace was one of the highest-ranking Jedi in the Order, second only to Yoda.

In moments of crisis, he often took command, and this situation was no different. Mace likely felt it was his responsibility to act swiftly, given the urgency of the situation.

He was also a master of the unique and aggressive lightsaber form, Vaapad, which allowed him to channel darkness in a controlled way.

With his skillset and the support of three formidable Jedi, Mace believed they could take Palpatine down without needing Yoda’s immediate involvement.

Fear of Palpatine Intercepting Communications

Another potential reason Mace didn’t contact Yoda right away could have been caution. The Chancellor controlled many aspects of the Republic, including military communication channels.

Mace may have worried that any attempt to reach Yoda could be intercepted by Palpatine’s spies or even Palpatine himself.

If the Sith Lord learned the Jedi were onto him, he could have had more time to prepare or escape.

By confronting Palpatine directly, Mace hoped to take him by surprise, minimizing the risk of Palpatine slipping away before the Jedi could act.

The Hubris of the Jedi Order

It’s hard to talk about this situation without touching on one of the biggest themes in Revenge of the Sith: the Jedi Order’s growing arrogance. Over time, the Jedi had become complacent.

They had seen themselves as the ultimate guardians of peace for a thousand years, and they believed they had the power to defeat any threat that came their way.

Mace’s decision not to call for reinforcements, or even alert the full Jedi Council, could be seen as an example of this hubris.

He thought they could handle Palpatine with just a small group, despite the fact that Palpatine had successfully manipulated the Republic and the Jedi for years.

The Jedi underestimated just how dangerous and cunning he truly was.

However, Mace Did Have Palpatine Defeated Until Anakin Showed Up

Here’s the thing: Mace’s confidence wasn’t entirely misplaced. He and the other Jedi Masters did confront Palpatine, and Mace actually had him beat.

He disarmed Palpatine and had him cornered. If Anakin hadn’t intervened, Mace likely would have killed Palpatine right there, ending the Sith Lord’s reign once and for all.

But Anakin’s arrival changed everything.

Anakin was the wild card Palpatine had been counting on, and in that moment of hesitation, Anakin’s betrayal allowed Palpatine to regain the upper hand.

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005) - Mace Windu vs. Palpatine - 4k

It wasn’t Mace’s misjudgment in the fight – it was the unforeseen twist of Anakin’s intervention that sealed his fate.

The Novelization: Did Mace Actually Contact Yoda?

Interestingly, if you read the Revenge of the Sith novelization, you’ll find that Mace did, in fact, contact Yoda via hologram before confronting Palpatine.

However, Yoda couldn’t help in time due to his distance from Coruscant. This adds another layer of complexity to Mace’s decision.

While the film doesn’t show this, it suggests that Mace wasn’t entirely acting on his own without any thought of consulting Yoda, he just didn’t have the luxury of waiting.

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