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Looking at Rey’s AT-AT Interior, and Notice There Is No Bathroom or Shower Area. So Where Has She Been Going?

Looking at Rey’s AT-AT Interior, and Notice There Is No Bathroom or Shower Area. So Where Has She Been Going?

So, we all know Rey lives in that massive, fallen AT-AT on Jakku, right? But have you ever wondered where she, well… goes?

There’s no bathroom, no shower, not even a bucket in sight. Seriously, where does she handle the basics?

Let’s break it down because this has been on our minds a lot longer than we’d like to admit.

Nature’s Sand Litter Box

Let’s start with the obvious answer, and probably the most hilarious one – Jakku is one gigantic sandbox, and Rey’s living right in the middle of it.

What better place to dig a hole and, you know, take care of business? It’s basically like living in a litter box, only the “cat” in this case happens to be the last Jedi.

Think about it: Rey’s tough, resourceful, and living in survival mode. It’s not like she has the luxury of plumbing or some cozy bathroom.

Nope, she’s digging holes in the sand like it’s part of her daily routine – because it probably is.

Water’s a Luxury, Showers? Not So Much

Jakku isn’t exactly a water-rich paradise. In fact, it’s the opposite: dry, dusty, and devoid of any signs of running water.

So, where does that leave our girl Rey? Probably not hitting the showers, that’s for sure. Water is scarce, so she’s not wasting it to clean up after a long day of scavenging.

If we’re being real, Rey is probably living her best sand bath life, just rolling around in the dunes to scrub off the day’s dirt.

Hey, it might not be glamorous, but it works. Plus, in a world where stormtroopers can’t aim and Wookiees fly ships, why should a lack of showers surprise us?

Is There Some Techy Recycler in That AT-AT?

Alright, for those of you who want a more technical explanation (because digging holes might not be cutting it for you), let’s talk about the possibility of a water recycler.

In Star Wars, some fancy ships and space stations have these devices that recycle water from, well, everything, including waste.

It’s not pretty, but it works. Maybe Rey rigged something similar from all that junk she scavenges.

Sure, it’s a stretch, but if anyone could do it, Rey could. She built her life around making broken things work.

So maybe, just maybe, there’s a recycler hidden in that AT-AT somewhere, turning Jakku’s “waste” into a little bit of clean water.

Star Wars Logic: Who Needs Bathrooms?

Now, let’s not pretend like this is just a Rey issue. Have you ever seen anyone in Star Wars use a bathroom? That’s because they don’t. It’s not that kind of galaxy.

We’ve had decades of space battles, light-speed jumps, and intense lightsaber duels, but not once has someone excused themselves for a bathroom break.

It’s like the Force not only binds the galaxy together, it also erases the need for basic hygiene.

While Luke lived in a swamp with Yoda, Han Solo probably spent months without a shower on the Millennium Falcon, and yet, here we are, focused on Rey’s bathroom situation.

In the Star Wars universe, it’s just not a thing. And honestly, we’ve all quietly accepted it.

The Real Answer of Rey’s Desert Hygiene: Sand as Nature’s Cleaning Tool

Living in the harsh deserts of Jakku, Rey probably had to get creative with her hygiene routine.

Since water is more valuable than gold out there, you can forget about daily showers or luxurious baths.

So how does someone living in an abandoned AT-AT keep clean? Well, the ancient desert dwellers might have some answers, and it all starts with sand.

In real-life desert cultures where water is scarce, people use sand to cleanse themselves. It sounds strange, but it works.

Think of sand like nature’s exfoliant. By rubbing it on the skin, people could scrub away dirt, sweat, and oils, leaving their skin refreshed.

It’s not as glamorous as a hot shower, but in a world like Jakku, sand would be Rey’s go-to for keeping clean.

The gritty texture helps to slough off dead skin and other grime, all without wasting a drop of precious water.

Then there’s the concept of a “dust bath.” This is where you roll around in clean sand, letting it absorb sweat and oils from your skin.

Afterward, you brush it off, taking the dirt with it. Some desert animals like chinchillas still do this to clean themselves, and Rey, being the resourceful scavenger she is, may have followed a similar routine.

It’s not just a matter of physical cleaning either. In many ancient cultures, these sand baths had a spiritual aspect, purifying the body and soul.

Whether Rey sees it that way or not, it’s likely that sand was her version of a spa day – minus the bubbles, of course.

So, while it’s easy to wonder how Rey stays fresh in that dusty old AT-AT, the answer might be simpler than you think.

She probably took full advantage of her surroundings, letting the sand do the work. It’s not glamorous, but it’s effective, and in the galaxy far, far away, it gets the job done.

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