The ability to heal oneself or to be healed is arguably one of the most important skills an individual can have. While we have medicine, the healing method is a bit different for those living in the Star Wars universe. In the galaxy, the most efficient and seemingly beneficial method of healing the injured would …
Every organization or being has things that help propel them forward in society. Armies have their own information management services, and almost every other group has their method of recording and using data to ensure they are the best versions of themselves. Of course, the Star Wars universe is no different. Both the Jedi and …
Darth Vader is arguably one of the greatest Sith Lords in galactic history. His cut-throat approach to battle, emotional intensity, and general ruthlessness make him an outstanding villain. Still, even with Darth Vader’s incredible propensity for the Force and strong swordsmanship, there are certain things that he can’t, or won’t, do. This is more in …
The wonderfully crafted world of Star Wars introduced all of us to the endless possibilities of science fiction. This was perfectly displayed through the Force, the lightsabers, experiments, and cloning. As cloning is the focal point of this piece, here is a brief overview of what this entailed. Just as it does in reality, cloning …
Grogu, or Baby Yoda, is a warm and inviting Child. Yet, he has great powers. In Episode 6 of The Book of Boba Fett, Grogu had to choose between having Yoda’s former lightsaber or the armor that the Mandalorian Din Djarin had given him. He chose the latter. Since he seemingly chose to leave the …
The black lightsaber, better known as the Darksaber, is among the most unique of its kind in Star Wars. Given its rarity, I’m sure you’re wondering who can and cannot wield the Darksaber. The answer is more complex than you think. A Jedi can have a black lightsaber because the Darksaber was made by a …
Darth Vader is one of the most iconic characters in the Star Wars franchise; he is also one of the strongest characters. But is he the strongest ever? And how strong is he? A quick search around the internet will net you many opinions on how strong Vader is. Quantifying the strength of a fictional …
In the Star Wars universe, the galaxy is split between the light and dark sides of the Force. However, just as in our reality, there is always a middle ground. For Force-users, that middle ground is the Gray Jedi. So what exactly is a “Gray Jedi?” Well, Gray Jedi are sort of like the freelancers …
When you think of Darth Vader, you most likely conjure up an image of his menacing presence along with his famous red lightsaber in his hand. He always seemed poised and ready for battle. Yet, Vader is not always holding his lightsaber. So, how does he carry it? Not many scenes in the Star Wars …
The fully-armored soldier has become a familiar sight in Star Wars. From Clone troopers to Stormtroopers to the mysterious red-clad Sith troopers, all of these soldiers make frequent appearances on our screens. Of all the different versions of this soldier, the Sith trooper is perhaps the most mysterious. What is this red-armored trooper exactly? Is …