You may find it ironic that even if a Sith’s endgame is to become the most powerful Force-sensitive being in the galaxy, they still take apprentices. Despite a Sith Lord’s desire for more power, the Sith Order’s survival comes before their own interests. Sith Lords wanted apprentices who craved power, ensuring the Sith Order continually …
The Kaminoans made their canon debut in Episode Two: Attack of the Clones, and they played a crucial role in the Clone Wars. Without the Kaminoans, the Separatists would have won the war easily, since droids outnumbered Jedi and were mass produced at a fast pace. But, thanks to the Clones and Order 66, the …
Yoda believed emotional attachments would put Jedi in danger of falling to the dark side. But did he believe his species was an exception? Since it’s believed that Yoda’s species was so rare in the galaxy, it further means the Jedi Order could have granted him an exception, allowing him to marry Yaddle out of …
I’ve always wondered—if Jedi can use the Force to manipulate objects and even people’s minds, why couldn’t Obi-Wan just Force yeet General Grievous off a cliff? Turns out, it’s a lot more complicated than I thought. Why Can’t Jedi Use the Force on General Grievous? In the Star Wars prequel film, Revenge of the Sith, …
From the time we are born, we learn to form bonds. Outside of our families, the first type of bond we learn to make is friendship. All throughout our lives we meet strangers, find connections with them, and boom: they become an integral part of our everyday routine. Of course, Star Wars is a pretty …
In Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Chancellor Palpatine tells Anakin Skywalker an interesting story about Darth Plagueis. A Sith Lord that arose before the Clone Wars, Darth Plagueis is said to have held the power to escape death. Could this be true? Can the Sith Prevent Death? Some Sith do have the …
Since the inception of the galaxy, the most prominent organizations have been the Jedi and the Sith. It is well known that the Jedi Order had around 10,000 members. That was until Order 66 when the Sith stormed the Jedi Temple and annihilated 99% of the Order. On the other hand, the Sith Order also …
Armies march by the hundreds and thousands, all to protect their country. Regardless of the size, one can be just as effective as the other. Just take the movie, The 300. Leonidas only had an army of 300 people to stand up against thousands, not to mention men with supernatural abilities. He absolutely bodied the …
Anakin Skywalker was one of the most unpredictable and legendary characters in Star Wars. He was a Force-sensitive human who not only became a Jedi Knight but also had a stint on the dark side. In fact, thanks to Anakin Skywalker shifting paths from light to dark, fans everywhere were given the most iconic character …
There is no specific size for a lightsaber hilt’s length and width. For example, Yoda’s lightsaber hilt was substantially smaller, given his size. On the other end of the spectrum, Count Dooku’s famed curved hilt was slightly longer, which best fit his fighting style. Lightsaber hilts vary in length, width, and weight, depending on the …