The exact number of Jedi Darth Vader killed is unknown, but it has been speculated the numbers are anywhere from nine to around thirty-five. This is based on whether you consider Star Wars Canon or Legends. Out of all the videos and websites I looked at, the following one is the most thorough. It doesn’t …
Yoda is an interesting character. He used this cane called a gimer stick, yet when he engaged in lightsaber combat, he was capable of performing acrobatic maneuvers like front flips. Following lightsaber duels, he reverted back to his feeble movements while leaning over the stick. Yoda received the gimer stick as a gift from the …
In the Star Wars universe, the Jedi can do amazing things. They can levitate massive objects by using Force. Yoda does this with Luke’s X-Wing Fighter in Stars Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. By using the Force, Yoda lifts this enormous fighter out of the Dagobah swamp and onto land. Jedi-turned-Sith Lords can …
Padawan. Jedi. Master. “General Kenobi!” We’ve heard and read these ranks a thousand times and know them by heart. But what do they mean? Who decides who gets a promotion and when? And did they only follow one set of rules/circumstances or did they evolve over time? In the prequels, we can see that the …
When you think Star Wars the odds are good that you’ll be thinking about lightsabers (and want some). But how do they work? We know that the blade is plasma and can cut through almost anything. So, how do you keep it from melting through the hilt, or stop it from making a hole if …
If you’re a Star Wars fan, then you’re probably familiar with the Darksaber. This unique lightsaber has a flat, sword-shaped blade that glows black and seems to have far greater powers than the average lightsaber. Given its apparent strength and power, you may be wondering: is it made out of Beskar? Keep reading to find …
If you’ve spent more than a few minutes watching Yoda on screen, you’re bound to notice some oddities in his physique that go further than just the standard alien persona. Everything from his height to his skin color makes him seem like an unknown alien being, but also strangely familiar. Some of Yoda’s features are …
Affectionately called “Red Blades,” Inquisitors are force-sensitives who operate under the dark side’s Inquisitorious Program. This organization didn’t come into existence until the tragic events of Order 66. Which, for those who don’t know, occurred when the clones were manipulated into seeing all Jedi as the enemy. This prompted the Great Jedi Purge, which resulted …
The ability to heal is arguably one of the most important skills an individual can contribute to his community. Whether it be the military or just a country in general, there is a sense of comfort that comes from knowing that there is someone out there who can help you if need be. Certainly, George …
When you consider all the Star Wars fan theories that have emerged over the years, by far one of the most intriguing is the possibility that Jar Jar Binks could be a Sith Lord. This seemingly ridiculous theory is enough to make anyone laugh, but is there any stock in it? It may be tempting …