In The Last Jedi, Luke enjoyed the spoils of his labor as he could lead a peaceful existence. Away from the distractions of others in the galaxy. That was until Rey came bouncing into his life. She was adamant about learning the ways of the Jedi and the light side of the Force at large. …
Throughout Star Wars Canon and Legends, hordes of Jedi turned to the dark side. Some, you know well, like Anakin Skywalker and Ben Solo. Others are more obscure in the franchise and appear before or after the Skywalker Saga. Temptations led many Jedi astray. They either held self-centered interests, or, like Anakin, succumbed to …
Metaphysical and religious thought exists among the Jedi living in the Star Wars Universe. And that religious ideology has come to our galaxy. People have found purpose in embracing the Jedi way of life, so much that official organizations have sprung up teaching Jediism’s principles. Jedi exist in real life, to the point that many …
Padawans refer to their trainers as ‘Master.’ However, this is a sign of respect, and their trainer is not always a Jedi Master. Jedi Knights can train Padawans, and it serves as a step toward the rank of Jedi Master should they successfully train their new apprentice. Jedi Knights like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker …
Jedi training technically never stops. Even after one becomes a Jedi Knight or even a Jedi Master. However, one becomes a full member of the Jedi Order once they achieve Knighthood upon completing their Jedi trials. While it takes most Jedi at least two decades to become a Jedi Knight from their youngling days, the …
Before you get your lightsabers out, let me start by saying that George Lucas said she’s the strongest Jedi now. But, if we compare her to certain Jedi, (like Luke Skywalker), in their prime then we get a whole new game. How Strong Is Rey Compared To Other Jedi? Depends on if we stick to …
Grogu, better known as Baby Yoda, was born in 41 BBY and was 50 years old when The Mandalorian rolled around in 9 ABY. The Sequel Trilogy also took place between 34 and 35 ABY, placing Grogu at 76 during the events of The Rise of Skywalker. Did Grogu appear in any of the Star …
Yoda was a Jedi Grand Master who could sense a shift to the dark side among his own. But he and the rest of the Jedi Order missed Palpatine’s allegiance with the Sith. Even when they interacted with the Supreme Chancellor on many occasions. Yoda once sensed a void in the Force while meditating, but …
Regarded as one of the most powerful Jedi ever, Yoda was past his prime when he dueled two Sith Lords in The Prequel Trilogy. And despite his old age, he still defeated Count Dooku in lightsaber combat. Yoda also forced Darth Sidious to ditch the lightsaber and resort to Force powers in Revenge of the …
Luke Skywalker founded the New Jedi Order. And in doing so, he retrieved a set of texts that held wisdom and scriptures he thought would provide valuable information to future Jedi. However, a former Jedi Master showed Luke just how wrong he was. Luke stored the Sacred Jedi Texts in the Force tree. When he …