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Order 66 was the crushing turning point for the Jedi. Once Darth Sidious put that plan into action, few Jedi survived. What did the surviving Jedi do afterward? The most prominent Jedi directly aided the Rebellion, while others perished but still helped the Jedi and Rebels-Resistance triumph in the end. How Many Jedi Survived? Before …

Read More about What Did the Surviving Jedi Do After Order 66?

What if Han Solo had died in The Empire Strikes Back? It almost happened. Harrison Ford almost changed our Star Wars universe forever, not only by taking away this character but also by derailing the hopeful narrative.  What Happened in The Empire Strikes Back? In the “I Love You” moment in Empire Strikes Back before …

Read More about Harrison Ford HATED Han Solo and Even Suggested George Lucas Kill Him Off. That Almost Changed Star Wars Forever

So we know the battle on Mustafar left Anakin losing his limbs and getting burned afterward.  Have you ever imagined if Anakin didn’t get burned, would he still be as strong as Darth Vader or even stronger? Here’s the theory: If Anakin didn’t get burned on Mustafar, he would be stronger than the Darth Vader …

Read More about It’s Frightening to Think How Powerful Darth Vader Would Have Become If He Didn’t Become Part Machine

Believe it or not, the Clone Troopers from the Clone Wars series were hinted to become evil. We just didn’t notice it.  Here’s how the Clone Troopers were subtly shown to be the villains in the series. In Western media, villains often move from right to left on the screen. This is evident in many …

Read More about The Hidden Clue in The Clone Wars That Foreshadowed the Clone Army’s Turn to Evil

The story begins in the comic series Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison. In the first episode, we are invited to the graduation ceremony of the Imperial Officers on Coruscant. Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader attend the ceremony to congratulate the newly graduated young Imperial Officers. However, this ceremony is a setup by …

Read More about How Darth Vader Discovered The Jedi Council’s Biggest Secret

Mark Hamill shared a memorable story during an appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson in 1977.  He started with a funny anecdote about Harrison Ford, who played Han Solo. Ford once jokingly threatened George Lucas, saying he would tie Lucas up and make him read the character’s dialogue at gunpoint. Hamill continued by …

Read More about Mark Hamill Begged George Lucas To Remove This One Particular Line From the Movie

After eliminating all the clone troopers and replacing them with Stormtroopers, we believed the Empire had abandoned the cloning program.  However, in the story I’m about to share, the Empire continues to pursue cloning, this time in secret. The secret project involves creating a clone of Boba Fett, inspired by the Star Wars Legends 2010 …

Read More about How Boba Fett Found Out the Empire Secretly Cloning Him

Among the Jedi, we all know Yoda is the strongest. However, remember when Count Dooku almost defeated Yoda by playing dirty?  But what if there was a Jedi who could beat Yoda in a fair fight?  Keep reading to find out who this powerful Jedi is. The Jedi Who Defeated Yoda: Plo Koon Plo Koon …

Read More about Who Is The ONLY Jedi That Could Defeat Yoda?

Boba Fett, the legendary bounty hunter of the Star Wars universe, has always been recognized for his iconic Mandalorian armor and ruthless efficiency.  However, in “The Book of Boba Fett,” fans are introduced to a transformed version of this enigmatic character. From his initial grey jumpsuit to a new, menacing black outfit, Boba’s journey is …

Read More about Why Boba Fett Looks So Different in Book of Boba Fett

As Star Wars fans know, Luke Skywalker lost his hand in The Empire Strikes Back in his lightsaber duel with Darth Vader. We discover that his lightsaber was recovered in The Force Awakens but assumed his hand was gone forever.  Yet, in the comic series Darth Vader, we learn that Luke’s hand was recovered. Read …

Read More about The Location of Luke Skywalker’s Hand Has Been Revealed