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The Star Wars prequels brought so much more to the galaxy than just exciting battles and political intrigue. One of the standout elements that I absolutely love is how they featured several talented Māori actors, giving a sense of diversity and unique representation to the franchise. These actors not only brought their remarkable skills to …

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There’s always something new to discover in Star Wars, and one of the lesser-known details is a deleted scene from Return of the Jedi where Luke Skywalker lost his lightsaber to Darth Vader after falling under the platform during their intense duel. It’s a scene that could have shifted the dynamic between the two characters …

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During the Clone Wars, the Grand Army of the Republic deployed a unique weapon called the Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolaser. It was known for its combination of blasting firepower and mobility. Yet, The Clone Wars series never had a single episode that included them.  Why not? Read on to find out more.  What Was the …

Read More about I Just Realized That Clone Wars Never Had a Single Episode With These Beauties: Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolaser

We all know the scene when Luke is pondering life staring off into the two suns in the sunset on Tatooine. Those two suns make for a hot, rugged, desert planet. We would expect that those two suns would also provide two shadows, but they don’t.  Read on to find out the reason why a …

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Lightsabers are futuristic weapons that resemble swords. They are more maneuverable and deadly, though, and do not need to be used like a sword. When a lightsaber stab happens, it could inflict much more damage.  So, why does a Jedi or Sith always pull a lightsaber straight out after a stab as if it were …

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Palpatine, the ultimate puppet master of the Star Wars saga, meticulously climbed his way to power, manipulating the galaxy into chaos while maintaining a facade of control.  His most iconic move? The cold, calculated murder of his own master, Darth Plagueis, which he orchestrated perfectly to seize full control of the dark side.  For decades, …

Read More about 5 Embarrassing Times When Palpatine Just Screwed Up Despite Master of Manipulation

Throughout the Star Wars saga, many characters have become iconic for their bravery, wisdom, or combat prowess.  However, one character stands out for his undying loyalty and devotion to his friends: R2-D2. Despite being an astromech droid, R2 has proven time and again that he is far more than just a piece of machinery.  His …

Read More about R2’s Devotion to His Friends Is One of the Most Beautiful Things in Star Wars Franchise

If you’re a Star Wars fan, chances are you’ve wondered at least once about Luke Skywalker’s story after Return of the Jedi and before his tragic fall in The Last Jedi. The idea of a series, whether animated or live-action, following Luke as he rebuilds his Jedi academy sounds exciting on the surface. But does …

Read More about Do You Want a Series, Whether Animated or Live Action, of Luke Rebuilding His Jedi Academy?

We all love the Jedi, but let’s face it: not every Jedi would make the most thrilling master. Some are wise, strong, and talented, but being their Padawan? Well, it might be a little underwhelming. We’re not saying they’re bad, just… lame. Let’s break down who would be the least exciting Jedi to train under …

Read More about Who Would Be The Lamest Jedi To Be A Padawan Under? Not Awful…Just Lame.