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For those who aren’t familiar, alcohol is a beverage that has a high percentage of ethanol and octane. Alcohol has the ability to inhibit one’s intuition and has mind-altering effects.  As a matter of fact, alcohol has the potential to hold such power over the user that some deem it to be a diluted version …

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Revenge motivates people’s actions unlike any other. By definition, revenge is hurting or inflicting harm on someone in retaliation for the wrong that occurred at their hands. Of course, revenge works the same way in the Star Wars universe as well.  Throughout galactic history, revenge has been the main catalyst for the war between the …

Read More about Why Do The Sith Want Revenge?

Most Jedi keep their lightsabers clipped onto a belt on their left side. Though there have been other ways to carry them, this is the most common. They’ve also used sheathes across their backs, (for saberpikes and sometimes broadsabers), as the hilts were too long to carry on their hip easily. The riflesaber was also …

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A variety of high-tech weapons exist in Star Wars, yet the Jedi primarily use lightsabers. You may ask why Jedi need lightsabers, and why don’t they seem to need weapons like blasters? Lightsabers are much more than combat weapons; they’re also part of a Jedi’s identity.  Most Jedi need lightsabers because using one lessens their …

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Ever since Obi Wan Kenobi achieved immortality by becoming a Force ghost in A New Hope, the concept of Force-based life after death has captivated Star Wars fans. In the original trilogy we see Obi Wan, Yoda, and even Annakin Skywalker manifest into glowing spirits and communicate with the living. However, little is known about …

Read More about Can Sith Become Force Ghosts?