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The Mandalorians are a collective group of various species that reside on the planet Mandalore. This clan is bound together by one language, affiliation, and common goal. The planet isn’t green and lush, rather it’s morse desert-like and sits in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. Throughout galactic history, the Mandalorians were a flourishing …

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In Revenge of the Sith, Anakin Skywalker exclaimed the infamous line, “From my point-of-view, the Jedi are evil!” While the Jedi looked like a flawless bunch on the surface, their inherent flaws led Anakin to lose his trust in them and turn to the Sith.  The Jedi Code prohibited emotional attachments, forcing Anakin to keep …

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Everyone needs a place to rest their head at night.  No matter how big, small, or important you think you are, everyone deserves a place to call home.  Of course, the Jedi are no different.  Everyone in the Jedi Order, from Padawans to Jedi Masters, resides in a collective place called the Jedi Temple.  Similar …

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While non-Force-sensitives cannot be Jedi, they can tap into the Force with limited ability and even create a bond with a lightsaber.  Only those brought to the Jedi Temple as children can become Jedi because they demonstrated Force-sensitivity.  Non-Force-sensitives cannot be a Jedi since to become a Jedi Initiate, one must boast a higher midi-chlorian …

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In both Star Wars Canon and Legends, the Jedi Temple fell to the Sith following Order 66. In the Canon, the Sith repurposed the Temple into the Imperial Palace while presumably destroying Jedi artifacts. In Legends, the millennium-old Temple fell into abandonment.  Following Order 66, Darth Sidious ordered Jedi artifacts to be replaced with those …

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Every militant force has to have a way to protect itself.  Even the more illegal organizations have weapons in our society. This is surprisingly reminiscent of the Jedi and the Sith in the Star Wars universe.  In Star Wars the main weapon of choice is the lightsaber.  Lightsabers are formed from a substance known as …

Read More about Can a Jedi Use Another Jedi’s Lightsaber?

In terms of someone granting her the title: no. But, she’s more than proved herself to be equal and superior to many Jedi Knights. And in an unexpected (and sadly not seen on screen), the Bendu from Star Wars: Rebels calls her a former Jedi Knight. This scene would have occurred right before Ahsoka Tano …

Read More about Did Ahsoka Tano Ever Become A Jedi Knight?

The Force was created by all living beings in the Star Wars universe.  By extension, the Force is the essence of life throughout the galaxy. Whether you’re a part of the Galactic Republic or the Galactic Empire, the Force serves as a bonding agent amongst the galaxy’s inhabitants. It’s the thing that connects people to …

Read More about Can You Use The Force Without Being a Jedi?

Grandmaster Yoda. Teacher of many. Avatar of Light. (Troll). Old guy that steals food and then complains about how it tastes. He’s one of Star Wars greatest mysteries and that’s how George Lucas likes it. We may never fully understand him. But we can put the pieces together to gain lore from canon and legends. …

Read More about How Long Did It Take Yoda To Become A Jedi?

No matter which galaxy you live in, tattoos are both an art and a story, with many being earned through combat, bravery, or a rite of passage like becoming an adult. Despite the Jedi living like monks and wanting to sever ties to family, there are a few Jedi who get tattoos due to their …

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