With the battle of the Sarlacc pit, Return of the Jedi jumped into action. We remember it for Luke’s lightsaber skills, blinded Han Solo, and Boba Fett getting pushed into the pit. We probably don’t remember Leia using a steel pike against one of Jabba’s henchmen. And for good reason: it was a deleted scene …
It could be Star Trek to Star Wars for Chris Pine. Rumor has it that Pine is slated for the leading role in the Rogue Squadron film project. Could this be true? If so, what would that mean? It appears to bode well for the franchise. Chris Pine and the Rogue Squadron Film As Captain …
If you’ve been a Star Wars fan for a while, you’ve probably wondered the same thing I have. The Rebellion was made up of individuals who saw the Empire as a serious threat—especially after brutal acts like wiping out Alderaan for no reason. The Great Purge of Mandalore was another horrific act by the Empire, …
After the Season 2 finale of The Mandalorian aired, we got an inside look at how it all came together thanks to Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian. One of the highlights is the iconic final scene on Moff Gideon’s ship, where Luke Skywalker swoops in to save Din Djarin, Grogu, and the rest of the crew. …
Today, I’ll take you inside the Y-Wing—specifically, the Resistance BTA-NR2 Y-Wing, a variant of the iconic starfighter produced by Koensayr Manufacturing and used by both the New Republic and the Resistance. I’ve also included detailed specifications, such as its speed, width, and more below. 1. Vectral positioning servos 2. Composite sensor dome covering with visibility …
I love when Star Wars drops a new character that keeps fans guessing, and Pokkit is definitely one of them. The second she showed up, I knew she wasn’t just another human bounty hunter – there’s something different about her. But what species is she, and what does that tell us about her character? Let’s …
I remember the first time I watched Revenge of the Sith, I was completely locked in during Mace Windu’s fight with Palpatine. It was the moment – the Jedi finally had the upper hand, and then… Windu does this huge, slow wind-up instead of just stabbing him. Like, dude, it’s a lightsaber – a tiny …
Order 66 should have been impossible to predict, yet these three Jedi – Ahsoka, Yoda, Jaro Tapal – managed to react before the blaster bolts started flying. Maybe it was instinct, maybe it was the Force – but something tipped them off. While most of their fellow Jedi were wiped out in seconds, they had …
The Pyke Syndicate has long been one of the most formidable criminal organizations in the Star Wars galaxy. Known for their control over the spice trade and their ruthless methods, the Pykes have carved out a significant place for themselves in the underworld. But how did this shadowy group rise to such prominence? Through research, …
We’ve heard Earth-like accents in Star Wars—Hera has a French-sounding accent, Master Sol’s speech pattern feels distinctly South Korean, and the Neimoidians speak with an accent reminiscent of Japanese. That got me thinking—if these accents exist in the galaxy far, far away, does that mean Earth-like languages exist too? Galactic Basic Standard is Earth-like language …