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Palpatine Surviving Is DUMB, No Matter How They Explain It

Palpatine Surviving Is DUMB, No Matter How They Explain It

After the redemption of Darth Vader, or rather Anakin Skywalker, when he saved his son by throwing Emperor Palpatine into the reactor shaft of the Death Star II, the galaxy believed the Sith Lord’s fall marked the end of the Empire and the beginning of a new era of hope. 

We all thought that was the final chapter.

However, Palpatine’s return in later stories sparked a mix of reactions among fans, some accepting it while others weren’t as pleased. 

Here’s why Palpatine’s comeback is both embraced and criticized.

The Returning Of The Emperor

However, Palpatine’s return in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Episode IX) caught everyone by surprise. 

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This time, he resurfaced on the Sith homeworld of Exegol, where he had been secretly orchestrating events behind the scenes. 

From the shadows, Palpatine built a massive fleet called the Final Order, with plans to reclaim his throne and bring about a new age of Sith dominance.

The Star Wars universe has made several attempts to explain Palpatine’s survival and his resurrection left many fans stunned. 

The answer lies in the mysterious Project Necromancer. 

Finally, in The Bad Batch Season 3, the series reveals how the Necromancer project worked, providing an explanation for how Palpatine remained alive and was able to continue his sinister plans.

Project Necromancer [4K HDR] - Star Wars: The Bad Batch

Project Necromancer acts as Palpatine’s contingency plan, ensuring his resurrection if ever defeated. 

The episode reveals Palpatine’s foresight—he knew his eventual demise was inevitable, so he made sure the Necromancer project was always in place, ready to bring him back.

For a deeper dive into how Project Necromancer works from Palpatine’s perspective, we’ve got an article that covers all the details.

Fans Who Believe Palpatine’s Return Makes Sense

Since Palpatine’s return, fans have been debating across the internet. Many feel that the Necromancer project provides a logical explanation for his comeback. 

After all, Palpatine was never an easy opponent to defeat—he’s the mastermind behind countless events.

Think about how he orchestrated Order 66 to wipe out the Jedi, paving the way for the Empire to rule under his command. Or how he overthrew his own master, Darth Plagueis, to rise to power. 

Given his meticulous planning, it’s not hard to believe he would have a contingency plan for his own death.

And let’s not forget—Darth Maul was also brought back, driven by vengeance against Palpatine himself.

Fans Against Palpatine’s Return

On the other side, many fans feel that bringing Palpatine back undermines Anakin Skywalker’s redemption. 

To them, Palpatine’s death at Anakin’s hands was a defining moment—the culmination of Anakin’s journey back to the light side of the Force.

By killing Palpatine, Anakin not only redeemed himself but also saved his children, Luke and Leia, from the Emperor’s grasp. 

Fans argue that this was meant to be the final act in Anakin’s story, making Palpatine’s return feel unnecessary.

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