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(Probably) Unpopular Opinion: Qui Gon Was Wiser Than Yoda. He Fully Trusted the Will of the Force, Which Is Why He Wasn’t on the Council

(Probably) Unpopular Opinion: Qui Gon Was Wiser Than Yoda. He Fully Trusted the Will of the Force, Which Is Why He Wasn’t on the Council

Star Wars fans know Qui-Gon Jinn as the maverick Jedi who discovered Anakin Skywalker and foresaw the child’s destiny long before anyone else. 

His beliefs and choices often put him at odds with the Jedi Council, and, as a result, he never secured a seat among the council’s ranks. 

But was Qui-Gon truly wiser than Yoda, one of the most respected Jedi Masters of all time?

In many ways, you could argue that Qui-Gon’s understanding of the Force surpassed Yoda’s in certain key aspects—especially when it comes to his trust in the Living Force, a crucial point that shaped his worldview and ultimately led to his exclusion from the Council.

Qui-Gon’s Philosophy: Trusting the Living Force

What made Qui-Gon Jinn stand out in the Star Wars universe was his deep connection to the “Living Force.” 

While the Jedi Council often focused on the “Cosmic Force”—prophecies, grand designs, and future events—Qui-Gon believed in staying rooted in the present. 

He followed the Living Force by allowing it to guide his actions in the moment, trusting that the Force’s will was unfolding before him.

This philosophy is perfectly demonstrated in The Phantom Menace when Qui-Gon encounters Anakin Skywalker. 

Despite the Jedi Council’s skepticism, Qui-Gon is convinced that meeting Anakin was no coincidence; he believes the Force led him to the boy. 

Trusting in the Living Force, he confidently declares to the Council, “Finding him was the will of the Force… I have no doubt of that.” 

This belief in the present moment—and the Force’s immediate guidance—sets him apart from other Jedi, who were often preoccupied with the future.

Anakin's Test - Jedi Council Scene | Star Wars The Phantom Menace (1999) Movie Clip HD 4K

To Qui-Gon Jinn, being on the Jedi Council wasn’t the ultimate goal. While the title of Jedi Master might be something many strive for, Qui-Gon’s priorities were always different. 

What truly mattered to him was following the “will of the Force,” not climbing the ranks of the Order. 

He was more concerned with listening to the Living Force, guiding him in the present moment, rather than adhering strictly to Jedi tradition.

We see this illustrated when Obi-Wan, baffled by Qui-Gon’s decisions, says to him, “Master, you could be sitting on the Council by now if you would just follow the code.” But Qui-Gon was never interested in status or recognition. 

He believed that by listening to the Force, rather than following the rigid rules of the Jedi, he was staying truer to the path of a Jedi.

For Qui-Gon, it wasn’t about gaining power or titles; it was about maintaining a connection to the Force, trusting that it would guide him where he needed to go. 

This is why he was able to recognize Anakin’s importance when others hesitated—his commitment to the Force’s guidance allowed him to see what others could not.

The Discovery of Immortality and the Afterlife

Yoda Meets Qui-Gon's Force Ghost on Degobah [4K HDR] - Star Wars: The Clone Wars

One of the most important contributions Qui-Gon made to the Jedi and the galaxy as a whole was his discovery of the ability to become one with the Force after death. 

Qui-Gon was the first Jedi to unlock this path to immortality, a feat that neither Yoda nor any other Jedi had previously achieved. 

His deep understanding of the Living Force allowed him to maintain his consciousness after death, which later enabled him to teach Yoda and Obi-Wan how to become Force ghosts.

This achievement was no small feat. Yoda, the very symbol of Jedi wisdom, had to learn this ability from Qui-Gon, underscoring Qui-Gon’s advanced understanding of the Force. 

While Yoda mastered the more orthodox teachings of the Jedi Order, Qui-Gon explored deeper into the spiritual nature of the Force, unlocking mysteries that others hadn’t considered.

What If Qui-Gon Jinn Made It to Jedi Master?

So, if Qui-Gon had made it to the rank of Master, what would have happened? 

Honestly, I don’t think the Jedi Council would have ever wanted Qui-Gon to sit among them. 

The Council was deeply committed to following the Jedi Code and often seemed to ignore the true will of the Force, focusing more on tradition and protocol.

If Qui-Gon Jinn had been given a seat, there would likely have been constant conflict between him and the other Jedi Masters. 

Qui-Gon’s belief in the Living Force often put him at odds with the Council’s more rigid and dogmatic approach. 

Instead of bending to their ways, Qui-Gon would have challenged their decisions, likely stirring up debates about the Jedi’s role in the galaxy and their detachment from the will of the Force.

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