Here’s a quick update for all the Star Wars fans out there. We tend to assume that Star Wars content is only available on Disney+, which is true for most official releases under Disney’s banner. However, a recent discovery suggests that if you own a Roku TV and download an app called Cinema Box, you might be able to watch the original 1977 theatrical version of Star Wars.
According to Yahoo, the version currently streaming on Cinema Box is a genuine 1977 cut, as evidenced by the absence of “Episode IV: A New Hope” in the opening crawl. This gap confirms it predates George Lucas’s 1981 revision that added the subtitle. Interestingly, although the app menu lists it as “Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope,” once you press play, you’re watching the unaltered film—showing exactly why this sudden Roku appearance is making headlines among Star Wars fans.
So to access the “untouched theatrical 1977 Star Wars,” you will need the Roku TV, Roku box or sticks (you can’t do so from your Cinema Box doesn’t seem to exist on a desktop computer).
How to Watch the Unedited 1977 Star Wars on Roku
From your Roku TV’s main menu, scroll down to Search and type in “A New Hope.” Roku should list Star Wars: A New Hope among the results. If you need more precise guidance, check out the video below, where a Roku user demonstrates the exact steps to locate Star Wars on their TV.