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Saber’s KOTOR Remake Is Still In Active Development, Promises COO

Saber’s KOTOR Remake Is Still In Active Development, Promises COO

I know we’ve been hearing this on and off for years, but Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake is still in development. That came straight from Saber Interactive’s Chief Creative Officer, Tim Willits. On March 14, he posted:

I want to believe it, but after everything that’s happened, it’s tough not to be skeptical.

The remake was first announced in 2021 at a PlayStation Showcase, and back then, Aspyr Media was in charge. They said they were rebuilding the game from the ground up using modern tech while staying true to the original story. It sounded perfect at the time. But things didn’t go as planned.

In 2022, Bloomberg reported that Aspyr was pulled from the project after an internal demo failed to meet expectations. After that, development was handed over to Saber, and the work shifted to one of their Eastern European studios.

Since then, not much has come out – no new footage, no dev diaries, just this one confirmation that it’s still being worked on. That’s probably why people feel like the project is stuck, or maybe even canceled.

Still, not everyone has given up. I saw someone say:

“Saber isn’t a simple cash in company. They have an excellent track record and are one of the more gamer friendly developers out there. This time I’m stoking my hopes.”

And yeah, I kind of agree. Saber’s done a good job with games like World War Z and Space Marine 2. They’ve been steady with their releases. If any studio can handle something this big, maybe it’s them.

There’s also the idea that the team is taking their time to build the game properly, which could be a good thing in the long run. One person put it like this:

“Apparently Saber got it in 2022, if they’re actually remaking it and not just remastering, I’d expect at least another year before they’re ready to start showing it off.”

And someone else had a solid thought too:

“Yea, that would be the best outcome, them taking the time to create a foundation for more than just KOTOR 1, so KOTOR 2 would be pretty simple to transition onto, like how the REmakes were done.”

That makes a lot of sense. If they’re building a solid base now, it might pay off later – not just with this game, but maybe even a proper KOTOR 2 remake.

But at the same time, I totally get why people are tired of hearing the same promise again and again. It’s been over three years since the announcement and we still don’t have gameplay. Others worry the long wait could hurt the final product:

“Even if this game eventually comes out which I’m not confident that it will, being in development hell for this long usually means that the end product is not going to be very good.”

That’s a valid fear. Delays like this don’t always end well. But I’m trying to stay hopeful. If Saber is really giving the game the attention it deserves, it could still be something special.

For now, though, I’m not expecting anything soon. Saber has only one game confirmed for 2025 – John Carpenter’s Toxic Commando. So KOTOR probably won’t make an appearance this year. I’ve accepted that.

And honestly, I’m okay waiting. I just want them to get it right. Like someone else said:

“I’ve already waited 7913 days, I’ll keep waiting. My mind, body and wallet are ready.”

Same here.